The whole youtubers entrapping pedos online then shaming them genre is about to die

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One of the most popular groups that go online and trick pedos into thinking they are kids then meeting them and embarrassing them on live stream is called DAP (Dad's Against Predators). They have videos such as this one where they shame Online Predators

Most of their videos are pretty tame but they started instigating fights and they usually cut these fights and sold them on Patreon

Well a couple of nights ago they lured a pedo into a Target and attacked the pedo and the pedia had a gun and shot one of them and it's becoming a big deal. Here is a news clip about it

This is probably going to lead to a youtube wide ban of this kind of content essentially killing the genre as there are many copycats out there doing the same.

What is your take and opinion on this? Good for communities or just jerks ruining people's lives for money?

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Baiting them is too much but if they caught one talking to their daughter they have every right to beat their ass

memeflags are already celebrating

I don't know, but to me this looks more pedo than anything loser on OP video was doing.
Why DAP doesn't try to catch this one then? Maybe they fear on Antifa like choke groups... Like the cucks they are.

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>attacked the pedo
yeah i'm sure that's what happened

I just leave a slip'n'slide running on my lawn.
Kids love slip'n and slide'n.

>which hill you wanna die on son?
>I think I'll bait a pedo into shooting me
Is this the low hanging fruit?
I have the nagging feeling that there are more important issues out there.

their catchphrase is something like "THIS MAN IS HERE TO MEET A 13 YEAR OLD BOY". just before all the pedos rush in here and talk about how they are pedos and baiting poor sad losers with pictures of 20 yr old women...

Post the video of the wigger getting a round in the leg.
It'd be the best content DAP ever put out.

>UK nonce hunters
>shall we track down and beat up the organised pakistani gangs that are actively grooming, drugging, and raping loads of underage girls for real?
>nah let's bait some room-temp IQ retards who should be in mental homes instead

They're just updoot farmers. Nothing more.

cops protecting chomo are also chomo

I for one am kind of glad to see this. Like yes, pedophilia is bad and sexual predators deserve punishment but holy shit. The way these people go about it is almost as degenerate as trying to sexually molest a child.

Like, the way they bully these random autists and all around pathetic manchildren makes me genuinely feel bad for them. I don't want to sympathize with pedophiles but we seriously, as a culture, need to veer away from this idea that it's ok to just belittle others because they "worse than you".
I genuinely hope the faggot who got shot dies. Let the police handle this shit.

>>shall we track down and beat up the organised pakistani gangs that are actively grooming,
Nooooo... Those poor faggots would get slashed by the paki gags. Remember, a room-temp IQ retard almost shooted them to hell.

the police dont do anything so soon people will just start killing them.

most of these pedo hunters are like jimmy saville, they claim to be protecting children but what they're really doing is hiding their urges to molest kids, jimmy saville would do the same thing, he would pretend to help kids at his hospitals and then rape em, take them up the batty and molest em hard and no one suspected poor ol jimmy did it because he was the kids guardian, the kids protector.

>they use the pedo hunter as a coverup because secretly they are trying to hide their pedo tendencies.

yep we know its true, been proven time and time again, its also why a lot of pastors and such end up getting a youth ministry and then molesting the kids. tale as old as time.

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kek this is why I want to see the video.
DAP are a bunch of wiggers who pick on autistic teenagers. They could have refined their methods to catch some actual fucked up criminals but never did and just whore themselves for patreon money.

Reminder that DAP are extreme child abusers and need to die.
Yeah, it is. Oh, but these evil child abusers must be the victims, right? That's why they stole and fled the scene?
>drugging, and raping
Well, which is it? Are they getting high and being sluts or are they raped?
>the police dont do anything
About what?

What's wrong with liking cunny?

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Or do you mean police aren't doing anything about people like DAP so eventually they're gonna get killed? We can hope so

>almost as degenerate as trying to sexually molest a child
you're a degenerate chomo as well. no sane person would ever consider tricking kidfuckers or wannabe kidfuckers in to showing themselves on par with fucking kids you fucking disgusting pedo


>pick on autistic teenagers
autisim is not a valid excuse for trying to fuck kids.
death to chomo or you fuck kids.

Don't really give a shit about some dude with a 16 year old. But it's definitely a red flag. These guys go after the low hanging fruit. Parents are usually the ones molesting their kids.

I consider being a chainsmoking youtube algorithm whoring wigger to be as bad as being a child molester in the sense that both of these types need to be knelt down in front of a wall and shot in the back of the head.

>Or do you mean police aren't doing anything about people like DAP so eventually they're gonna get killed?
Sleepy Joe doing actual good to UShole.

Looks like an armed robbery to me. If you can do that as a member of the concerned dads, then I bet you can get away with blackmail and extortion too. I would totally join that club. With the right leadership it can grow from a lucrative little side business into a billion dollar money printing machine with global reach. For the children!

>just jerks ruining people's lives for money?
Speaking of, why aren't the police catching these people in the same way?

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Why not both? Kill all wiggers and also kill all kid diddlers.


That would be the best scenary... Let both diseases annihilate themselves. But wiggers are too cuck for that.

Lmao cops dont do this shit because it's called entrapment.
Wanna be batmans needs to be shot more.

the judge will throw the book at these lads.

>took the law into their own hands
>people didn't do anything wrong.
>lured them somewhere
>stole their gun

these dudes will get like five years in NiggerVille State Prison Gladiator B section

D.A.P. guys are unique in the way they actively try to get the pedo to fight them, everyone else just records them. D.A.P. recently got demonetized on jewtube so they've beem putting their content behind a paywall and doing more and more extreme stuff to get people interested

Learn what entrapment means you fucking retard

>doing more and more extreme stuff to get people interested
Such as getting shot.

because you are cheapening the issue and equating grifting idiots with fucking kids, you demonic shill. this is a common tactic for chomo. common enough and the literal topic of this whole thread. you're literally grifting for chomo now or you're literally this fucking stupid, pick one.

>Lmao cops dont do this shit because it's called entrapment.
finally a voice of reason. although what do we do about pedos trolling the net for kids to fuck?

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pics/vid or it didn't happen

>Well, which is it? Are they getting high and being sluts or are they raped?
I get that you're a chink (probably an incel faggot too) and you don't have a soul but it's still fucking reprehensible to believe that just because a teenager uses drugs that means it's morally okay for mudslimes to gangrape them.
If this isn't bait you deserve to get raped to death by a pack of feral niggers.

wait, wut? you can't both be right....

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>>doing more and more extreme stuff to get people interested
>Such as getting shot.
By a room-temp IQ retard pedo, don't forget that detail.

DAP thinks theyre hot shit.

They would always fight the preds and put the fight video on patreon

>you're literally grifting for chomo now or you're literally this fucking stupid
why no both? or three and this is a 4D chess move?

> whats wrong with getting some cunny, you uncivilized chimp?

the police can't do anything with the bullshit chatlogs or whatever DAP collects. it needs to be handled in a better manner or else a lawyer can completely pick it apart and have all of the evidence thrown out and then it's just a waste of money. the police aren't going to pursue anything so flimsy

Nothing. Not my kids, not my problem

>You're a pedophile because you think it's a bad thing to antagonize the mentally ill as aggressively as possible when they do something stupid or bad.
The sheer amount of mass shootings in America from mentally ill men who feel completely isolated and backed into a corner indicate that the lives and families destroyed by these men is more important than the occasional horny 13-16 year old being dumb enough to give her pussy to some autistic loser and regretting it later in life, yes.
Go ahead, twist my words to justify your own shittiness as a human being.

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The one where Frank Hassle chases the shitskin pedo down the road for like 10 minutes straight had my sides in orbit

are their patreon videos cracked anywhere? i'm not paying those wiggers for the good videos

I don't think kids are that dumb most of the time. They usually get kidnapped by people offline.

Entrapment is putting someone in a situation where they'll commit a crime when they wouldn't have otherwise. The pedos that DAP catch would still have done the exact same shit if they were actually talking to a 13 years old.

dads against predators jack off to the chats for a few days, get the predators horny and then beat then out of guilt

here is there website where you lads can send them a feed and seed encouraging email


im sure they need a plenty of get well cards now since they're recovering from gunshot wounds lmfao. i'm rooting that it was the wigger jewish mutt looking one with a pube beard.

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true, I thought legalizing the killing of pedos might create a healthy market in this down economy. You know, look for a win/win kinda thing.

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Don't this stings actually cause more trouble and keep them from being charged with anything?

>kidnapped by people offline.
THIS. Nigger, spic, paki gangs. Sometimes ever potato irishes or spaghetti traffickers.
Ofc DAP shit wouldn't even attempt to get after these. They only prey on the ones they consider weaker than them, because they are just wigger cucks.

How is no one pointing out that if the pedo was planned to kidnap the kid at gunpoint he's most likely done it before and dumped bodies somewhere?

Not biological parents. Step dad, yeah, but I'm always suspicious of men willing to date single moms for that very reason. Grandpas and older cousins are also huge pedos.

I like when frank hassle did it

Yeah let's do salem witch trials again but with men. I'm sure that'll go down well


Jews want to brainwash you into marrying 30 year old sluts.

>What is your take and opinion on this? Good for communities or just jerks ruining people's lives for money?

Well these retards hate on people dating 16-17 year old women so they seem to be just as bad as "That baby was 10 8 years ago" feminazis.

As for their actions, several people have tried to tell them this day would come and that they would find themselves on the wrong end of the law. What is morally correct and legally correct aren't always the same thing. Since they aren't law enforcement nothing about the messages or fictional underage girl will come into play whether this was justified self defense under ohio law.

>equating grifting idiots with fucking kids
I'm actually convinced the vast majority of DAP victims never touched a kid.
Like I said earlier most of them are autistic teenagers that jack off to loli porn and think it's ok to date a 14 year old.
DAP is 100% as degenerate as their targets. Fucking TCaP set the standard for this shit decades ago. Compare the people on DAP to the people who ended up on TCaP. Their method is clearly flawed.
>if you disagree you're a pedo
Kill yourself. Hope the next guy aims for the head.

They have a proof on that? If not, is a nothingburger. And even end being a counterproductive mess.

>The pedos that DAP catch would still have done the exact same shit if they were actually talking to a 13 years old.
This is far fetched because the pedos that DAP catch are dysgenic retards.
The pedos who are an actual threat blend in like chameleons and usually seek positions of authority where they can access children.

>Yeah let's do salem witch trials again but with men. I'm sure that'll go down well
But now that men can be women it's all fair, right?

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Probably because he brought a concealed gun to his child raping meeting.