So did anyone ever figure out what the fuck this was

So did anyone ever figure out what the fuck this was

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I can't prove it, but the whole thing feels staged to me somehow.

It'll make a lot more sense after The Event.

A black lady in a mask

the "mouth" is her right eye

Yeah. A demon.

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they took the video down

>The Event

It's legit just a black woman with a mask on. The demonic image is just the collective unconscious signaling to us what we are truly looking at. The subconscious is the true physical reality. Learn to interpret it, and the whole game becomes clear.

>he doesn't know

It's a nigger, which is basically the same thing as a demon.

Her eyes were not that damn big in the other frames of her "normal" face

Care to elaborate?

Why is it wearing a crown? And why such a tiny crown?
It's funny, they have no fear of discovery.

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More are com-ACK

its nothing there's a clear picture from a different angle.. is correct made good memes though

It's The War, user.
>oh yes, the war

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None of that is even close to being decipherable

It's shit like this that reminds me most of you niggers are genuinely retarded.

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Just cameras being racist and sheeeeit. Jesus Toast. See picture; face outlined.

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It’s not a crown, its the piece of paper taped to the chair that says “reserved”, much like the chair to the left side of the picture. The angles of the lettering, combined with the jacket draped over the back of the chair, make the white paper look like a crown.

This was a really bad meme. It makes Any Forums look even more schizophrenic than they already are

The global American empire replaced God with Humanity, a collective of animals, which is a stand in for animal gods like Moloch. America is literally the new Israel, and we are seeing a tale as old as time unfold where the Israelites turn from God and start worshipping animal idols.

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what you think is a mouth is her right eye socket which is in shadow. what you think are weird bug eyes is her weird shiny black hair. to the right of what you think is a demon mouth is the bridge of her nose, underneath which is a black covid mask. she is slightly looking down. she has a bigass hairdo. hope that helps im done

i thought most ppl figured it out but my friend actually still can’t see it

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Dude I'm trying my damnedest but I cannot see any of that

it’s kinda like that dog/baby image where u can’t see the baby or man anymore and can only see the dog.. if u know the image i mean

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ok last one… even simpler.

these lines show where her eyebrows should be if they weren’t hidden by shadow

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There was another spooky image like this with a shadowy figure in the back of congress.