Learning a trade

Is learning a trade the biggest redpill?
I just finished hs, i'm 18. I find myself weak and useless to society, I do nothing all day and I'm encouraged to keep this attitude since my parents want me to go to university.

Tomorrow I'm starting construction work and I was initally thinking of doing it just for the summer but now I'm thinking of doing one whole year.
I think that doing such a job will put me way above the competition for any kind of other job.. but i don't know for sure, does anyone have experience here?

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enjoy working yourself to death every day

So you are saying that it's better for a man to study and sit around doing nothing all day?

It's better for your back and knees, yes

Do you have personal experience?

I've done it since I was 18. No it's not worth it. The pay is so pathetic compared to what paper pushers make. Get out of trades and let the industries burn. Collect ez money from ez jobs. Don't sell your body for "muh 100 hours a week" faggotry

I feel like that's what every worker would tell you, but would you have been happy if you started doing absolutely nothing from 18? Probably not

Do it for a year then go to university, trust us.

Total slave mentality, OP.
If you do not have to work, you should not work.
(((They))) want you to work because (((they))) get their cut from everything you earn.

I didn't say you should do absolutely nothing. Don't pretend like working in the trades is the only option you have to get off your ass once in a while. I'm just letting you know that it won't pay off unless you fully commit 1000% of yourself and your time to it, and even then you will make less money than a woman who is dumber/less skilled than you who counts pills at a pharmacy. Don't get duped by this faggot system that keeps tricking white men into doing all the labor of society because it's "tougher". Niggers are not fed this same media. I hate it

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What if I want to accomplish something in my life? Something that gives me purpose?

Anyways I'll learn what you said with hours of work,

Once you take the builder bro pill, you will always builder bro. $$$$

Meh I’m 41 and have no skills but still make $215k/yr in business analytics for healthcare

All of my friends in trades destroyed their joints by the time they were 35. I can still squat ass to grass and bend far enough forward to suck my own cock. I’m in better shape than I was at 25. But to be fair, I have some trade friends killing it making 2x what I make, but those are guys that took over their father’s business and expanded it. They make me feel broke,

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>What if I want to accomplish something in my life? Something that gives me purpose?
The trades aren't where you're going to find purpose. It's where you're going to find low IQ retards who do the slave work because they were too dumb to question why they made less than McDonalds workers.

learning a trade is one of those few jobs that I think doesn't turn you into a faggot.

Who should be doing the "tough" work if not men? Also isn't it that white men are becoming weak because of your same mentality of doing nothing and getting paid a lot? Aren't spics the only ones doing construction work in your shit country?

Once you really know what you're doing... Shake your boss.

It'll work out.

>>learning a trade is one of those few jobs that I think doesn't turn you into a faggot.
Nobody turns you into a faggot except you, bozo.

>Who should be doing the "tough" work if not men?
I didn't say the logic of men doing tough work was incorrect dumbass. I'm not implying that men having skills is bad. You're not going to be helping your community by working in trades moron, you're going to be sent to some nigger infested apartment building to fix the 80 year old wiring, and you'll risk your life doing so.
> Also isn't it that white men are becoming weak because
Because of high onions, high-fructose diets and exposure to chinese microplastics. Nigga half of gen z has stunted growth from malnourishment.

>of your same mentality of doing nothing and getting paid a lot?
Doing nothing and getting paid a lot is what 99% of niggers are doing. Give me one good reason why whitey should have to pick up the slack.

Fix my toilet you disgusting poor fuck.

You need to get a truck and tools but they can be acquired as needed.2adjjn

That'll be $300 for an hour of my time, nigger.

I've been in a high skilled trade in a major US city for 6 years now. It is really great to see what you can build with your own hands and almost all of your co workers will be right wing. The draw backs are 50% of your co workers will be retards and the other half will be complete ass holes.

I did hvac. Installs sucked ass made bank though. Now trying for more engineering type work, AAS might try for Bachelors but not sure

Tell me about linemen.