CERN timeline shift they made Russia smaller

Since when is western Russia the same size as 3 small South American countries

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This meme was never funny. If you actually think CERN is changing reality you probably have schizophrenia.


That's because you Ameriniggers use the shittiest map projection ever made

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my russia was smaller than canada

Lit imagine being am*rican youaregaybro

kek, the USA usually has their country as bigger than all of africa

Just use the right damn projection instead of the merchant map.

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imagine not owning a globe


Rotate Africa 80 degrees counter clockwise if you really want your mind blown

>american education

CERN also accidentally brought Constantine here. He'll protect us from the demons.

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Without Alaska your country is smaller than mine.

Damn right we do.

Wait what.

Top kek

The real map.

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These threads are made to discredit actual Cern posts.
(1)many ancient structures have been built on ley lines, historical/Geopolitical spots, and other key points of life. You can simply take the pyramids being built above aquifers allowing energy to be amassed during flood stages, the fact it's on two ley lines increasing the natural energy, and it's the supposed center of the earth to understand location matters. Have you ever wondered why all the ancient sites (pyramids, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, ect) are all built on the world's leylines? This is because when Satan fell with the fallen angels they created the same type of control grid. CERN is one particle accelerator amongst many but it's built on genis pouilly the location for the bottomless pit in revelation which was a temple to abaddon or the sun god idol apollo. Not only does it's logo contain three 6's, but they are the definition of mingling with idols with a statue of shiva on its premises. (2) They have their own entertainment wing where they film movies like symmetry, angels Vs demons, and mock sacrifices. Particle accelerators, Ai robotics, data implants, and tech monitor devices are constantly in games and media.(3)beyond 2 souls, doom, half life, star wars, iron man 2, Lucy, Alice in wonderland, angels 's demons, tomorrowland, suicide squad, scribblenauts, stargate, terranova, and steins gate just to name a small few. CERN itself influences the

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(4)air we breathe, the (5)genetics, and the predicted script. This is a (6)matrix machine mixed with the (7)eagle eye. Geordie Rose, head of (8)D-wave's Quantum computers is now working on (9)kindred which is building AI for the coming alien (demon) entities, his words not mine. I believe these entities are the fallen angels who fell with Lucifer, and are right now trapped in hell. (10)D-wave is using their supercomputers to crack the key to unlock the abyss bringing back these trapped beings. Now is the time to accept Jesus, and put on the armor of the lord. We are accelerating faster into the end game. (11) ever since demons intermingled with women, humans have been seeking a way to their power. Certain drugs have been used and/or rituals to talk to these clockwork elves or principalities and Spirits. Think about what ancient rituals were about… pretty much creating a certain energy for them to access other "energy beings" I believe Cern to be creating enough energy for these events to happen. They wish to bring demons back from the pit through spirit and or an actual robot/flesh suit..

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(12)These demons have been trying to influence all of history, and technology to their will through media, movies, games, work, and home life. You have to Look no further than(13)Charles Darwin, and (14)Crowley with so many famous people channeling these demons for knowledge, power, and all forms of promised joy. The money apparatus of the many headed hydra is immense, but our spirit can always match our will to that of the Son of the most High God, Jesus Christ. The Antichrist will have to be announced and force you to take the chip. There are a series of events to come and if you don't stay watchful for a knock, you won't be. These interdimensional demons are being promoted as gods. With virtual reality being a space for them to manifest(15)This is the satanic 5G AI system with an AI that knows us better than our mothers constantly working on how to drain our time and energy. The data analysis can predict and control behavior through tweaks in what sites, stories, ads, videos, ect come up to control your mood, and habits.(16) Nanobots, smartdust, phones with (gps, microphone, camera), and smart devices are creating an incredible amount of control through constant monitoring for those with encryption through Quantum password breaking.They affect our bodies function in multiple ways as well as stratospheric aerosol injections providing a means to transport whatever chemical cocktail they'd like. Soon we will see the world beast system with 10 heads will start forming if not already behind closed doors. It will be the worst episode of black mirror mixed with a 1984 dystopia that would make the communists and fascists convert to Christianity . 5 G towers, satellites, trees, and checkpoints installed everywhere under the guise of faster internet. Combined with all the various wiretap/data mining devices, they will have our every move tracked, and traced. I am talking about a déjà vu-like playback video mimicking God's omnipresence. This combined with

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(17) HARRP, and smart dust to control the weather we really are in for a wild ride. Data servers are being built everywhere to house all the data, and the particle acceled grid will provide the AI to go through all the data. If you're a person of interest they will bring in human onlookers to watch your screens mirroring software. If they can't eliminate you then they move to harassment, and in person psyops If you are against the system, you will be given a lower social score, and eventually you will not be able to buy or sell. (18)Which brings me to the forced microchip which will soon be implemented. If you do not take it, they will just layer your house with so much smart dust you will be bound to have a tracker on you. Not to mention they will have all your browser history, texts, calls, and everything you say around smart devices to frame you for crimes, or even blackmail you. If somehow that doesn’t work, they can always create a deep fake video of you doing anything. We must use these devices with our will, emotions, mind, and consciousness in the right way. I personally keep tape on even my phone cameras until I need it just to limit the data they illegally take. We must stop electing these pawns for the principalities, and vet our candidates. Even if elections don't matter we can still locally make a difference. Why do most political leaders support these mad scientist's. More importantly, why do we as citizens stand by while the biggest machine on earth is controlling the fabric of time, creating strategic aerosol sprays for geoengineering, and looking for the patterns in the grid to control reality.

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Fucking retard!