>b-b-b-but he was ANTIFA

The amount of copium you all are huffing to try to make the shooter out to be antifa is HILARIOUS

He posed with a Trump flag! He went to Trump rallies! HAHAAHAHAHA you just can't accept your side is full of insane degenerate freaks.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-05 164435.png (593x334, 35.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I’m gonna kill Notch in Minecraft

user I'm sure he was joking, he called out the Vax a while ago.


gotta love this man

Holy shit based notch

People buy bibles and go to christian churches while not being religious only to protest and stir shit up. Listen to the faggots lyrics and watch him walk in a dress. It's pretty fucking obvious he was disturbed just like the rest of you tranny faggots.

his self made "fan" twitter account likes

Attached: copy.webm (592x1280, 1.95M)

He wasa rightoid

Explain to me why I should care about THIS Chicago shooting more than all of the others that happen every day

Find someone human passing next time, comrade.

Trump supporters would never shoot up a 4th of July parade.

Btw, obviously your post is bait, but it is low quality bait. Make it more subtle next time.

Attached: Pepe20.jpg (474x424, 23.49K)

This is fake and gay, try harder though
Notice this is all that you trannies are so desperately clinging on.
His new age spiritual healer mom is in trouble now for enabling the shipment of weapons.
His entire video library and rap music has nothing to do with the right.
He is a trans.
You and “she” will never be a woman

He dressed like antifa, acted like antifa, spoke like antifa, posted shit online like antifa, and was arrested in panties like antifa.

o you mean the one that looked like a trump flag that you couldn't see all of? Holy shit you people are fucking stupid.

Attached: 17703898_1.jpg (630x630, 52.51K)

Attached: z2re4zug8r991.png (312x294, 57.95K)

Doesn't matter which political side he was on, he is a Jew

Jews don't have political sides, that is for the goyim. A Jews politics is Zionism and only Zionism

>he posed with a trump flag

user I don't think your understand what sarcasm is

Only evidence that could even remotely be used to argue he's a Trump supporter:
>dressed up as waldo at a Trump rally
>posed with a Trump flag with the title "spam" right before liking a bunch of CDC and Biden tweets

>more than the others which happened on literally the same day

You can't even understand the irony of the post, you dumbass. Average monkey IQ

that's some weapons grade projection

>itt Any Forums is so far up its own ass with the red blue faction war it can't detect sarcasm

The feds and the courts figured out that codeword, we say "on CNN+" now...

>your side is full of insane degenerate freaks.
one person doesnt mean shit. you are trapped in a political dichotomy designed to keep you stupid and docile. left or right doesnt fucking matter, both sides are robbing you blind, the economy is fucking tanking and you fucking retards sit on this website and argue about irrelevant social issues and identity politics. republican, democrat, whatever, when it comes to economic decisions (the only decisions that actually matter) you are being robbed at every turn. you literally cannot take a fucking shit without being taxed on the water you flush it down with

guy looked drugged the fuck out