Small town infiltration?

I'm in a relatively small town in Montana. Since covid, have seen the number of homeless men skyrocket. Fentanyl & other drug problems seem out of control. Jails claim to always be "full." Laws seemingly no longer enforced.

Have also observed tons of unemployed ppl from out of state showing up more and more. We're in the middle of nowhere--how did they get here? And ppl who apparently don't speak English. Why are they here? Work? But they don't seem to have jobs. I've lived here all my life. What is happening? Is it happening in other small towns?

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Sorry bro Kalispell sucks

The southern border is completely open and hordes are flowing in and being shipped all over the country with your tax dollars.

>how did they get here?

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Kalispell seems really nice actually

OP - you can be the change.

How many acres of woods are there in MT?

virtually unlimited

blue cities finally realized that you can only solve homelessness with a bus ticket

Yes happening to my small town too, with niggers.

Dude it's happening everywhere.
I live in a small city in Scotland and the past 2 months have suddenly seen a ton of black people appear here.
No explanation, no one talking about it.
They're just suddenly here.

I am both homeless and from out of state, lmao. Greetings from Wye. I bought gas and an apple. I am supporting the local economy. Might head to a ranch for work, or might drive through to North Dakota.

OMG imagine not harassing, stalking these people right the fuck out of your communities.
I've seen you people talk about gangstalking and shit like it's something other than the people in charge wanting you to BOUNCE and organizing their friends in such way to produce and promote said BOUNCING.
GANGSTALKING is just interested community members working as a team to keep your drug dealing ass out of our shit. Since the police have rules.
One time some tweaker with a ankle monitor caught our attention and boy did we fuck with him for a month solid before he decided to FUCK OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE..
Once we saw his ankle monitor we waited for him to exit his dwelling and started to make ourselves known. Push comes to shove everywhere this guy is turning ... another of us sons of bitches he'd been menaced by all over town for a month - here another one is. There were four of us that night and we were ALL on him. This was new since its usually just an interlude ... "Hey I got subject at shell gas station south side" and one of us would pick it up and just make ourselves known... the issue is we're all hyperborean chad phenotype so we're really kinda scary we aren't just your random guy - you can tell we're all built for combat just objectively. Any way more than one subject has posed the Q: "Are you a cop?"
A: "Lol, you wish, huh?"
It takes them a while but once they get the idea of a crew running ops on them, knowing the men doing it... yea the go away and fast.

>ppl who don’t speak English

As in mestizo Central American illegal ‘migrants’? Niggers? Slavs? Elaborate fucker.

Coming from the Northeast, basically all of the county aside from where I come from is desert adjacent. There are places in Washington that actually have that orange filter on from TV. Texas must be like Mars.


A lot of Spanish-speakers, yes. But also some Asians and even Africans (like straight from Africa)


Just Great Falls. Every state has a designated crackmeth city.

Truth, although Missoula Butte Billings all getting pretty bad among others

you can drive through the most random small town in ontario and you'll see

a) strange foreigners wearing strange clothes looking like they got off the boat 10 minutes ago. like Yemeni migrants or Congolese migrants. random and strange people.
b) white crack heads everywhere

i really have no idea where the white crackheads are coming from. i don't know anybody who is one. i suspect a deliberate attempt from the gov to flood communities with drugs though. Somehow there is an unlimited supply of hard drugs everywhere.

As far as the people go, they seem to be shipped in purposely into these towns. But I also have no idea why other than to destroy the town. It's already over for us in the cities here, Toronto is looking 80% non-white these days.

Just shoot the varmants

is there a single place in north america that remains spared from this phenomenon?

>Since covid, have seen the number of homeless men skyrocket. Fentanyl & other drug problems seem out of control. Jails claim to always be "full." Laws seemingly no longer enforced.
Welcome to liberal "harm reduction" where the solution to poverty and drug addiction is to
>keep releasing repeat offenders
>prevent cops from arresting people for "minor" offenses like scaring residents away from public spaces or mugging them
>prevent anyone from removing their plague-ridden tent cities
>provide free drugs and protected drug-use locations
>give them free houses that they will shit up within 1 year - your taxes will just pay to renovate them
>absolutely forbid mandatory rehabilitation or treatment
>pretend like they're just like you and me but down on their luck
>censor anyone who might have a problem with any of this

It works great here - pic related.

Attached: 12974322_web1_180802-NBU-Soliders-of-Odin-to-March-in-downtown-Nanaimo_1.jpg (1200x800, 256.85K)

>they're just like you and me bro

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