Times they got caught lying

Looking for other events when the media got caught lying like this

Attached: Nayirah_(((testimony))).jpg (330x247, 14.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody know what this is retard

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Was this the babies on the floor after being thrown from incubators lady?

The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old girl who was publicly identified at the time by her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to support Kuwait in the Gulf War.

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Maybe the most famous case of the official lies of the US government. Other whoppers include the Bush 2 lies for his war, dick Cheney boldly lying about saddams imaginary nukes etc.

Lyndon Johnson told some whoppers about the Tonkin gulf (pretend) incident. "Our boys are floating in the water." Like nigger what? Only if that ship had a pool.

Remember how the American government never owned up to this?

Can't forget the Robbie Parker incident. Unsurprisingly it was tough to find on youtube. I wonder why


EVERYTHING is tough to find on Youtube now except what they're pushing. You can type a title in word for word and it won't even appear.

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perfect thank you
looking into thanks
elaborate please, i typed both in but nothing jumped out in results

Why are u so new user

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The Gulf of Tonkin incident which led the US to enter the Vietnam war. The USS Maddox was attacked by three Vietnamese torpedo ships. I forget the exact details but the basis of it is that the attack as it was described by FDR never happened. One ship was slightly damaged in another confrontation whereas the the alleged attack from three torpedo ships never even occurred.
Jim Morrisons' dad was the captain of the Maddox and his son became instrumental in project monarch bringing CIA programming into mainstream music.

Take this zoomer to the incubators. He's lost his composure.

How to know if jude is lying?

Its lips are moving.

Ah yes. I was waiting for some user to bring this up

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I’d get user’s baby from the incubator and burn it

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They're not actually looking for corroboration. They're putting up an obscure photo to catch other "true believers" in their stupid conspiracy bullshit. Just ignore this crap.

they have lied every fucking day since 2016

Not sure if it counts, but this whole episode from the impeachment was just the height of lunacy to me. I remember the GOP members at the committee just being stunned at the brazen bullshit and then immediately getting their objections shot down.

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It's not obscure.


Tawana Brawley.

Duke LaCross scandal.

Jussie Smolett.

Nick Sandmann.

Russian Collusion.

Russian Disinformation (Hunter's laptop).


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