Why don't homeless people go innawoods?

Why do they have to live on streets in filth?
What's realistically stopping them from buying some survival equipment and just fucking off into the wilderness somewhere?

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Because they don't have the money to buy the survival equipment, they don't have survival skills and drugs and booze are hard to come by innawoods.

They’re mentally ill or addicted to drugs. If they could pull that off they wouldn’t be homeless.

They get (rightfully) chased out by the forestry department because literally every single fucking time they start wildfires.

theyd have to escape the jurisdiction of law or theyre just gonna keep getting fucked

There is no heroin or alcohol in the woods.

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> What's realistically stopping them from buying some survival equipment and just fucking off into the wilderness somewhere?
Skills none of you have either. Beggars go to cities because that’s where the money is. They’re not a sign of poverty but wealth paradoxically. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote a monograph on it back in the day.

drugs, mental illness, and biden won't deliver crack pipes to the woods

Because it's all a natural reserve and only rich people can hunt and have chateau's there.
They literally outlawed fire and taking a poop in the woods.

why don't everyone else go live innawoods and let the homeless roam about an abandoned city.

Most dont have those skills and more over they are almost all addics and wont survive without cheap fast food drugs and hand outs. Most I met i used to work for a city action committee Are happy to live that way say shit like" at least im Free your the slave." Yeah ill go cry in my BMW about my slavery and my warm dry bed. Fuck them all. Pic unrelated but some what related

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You can make alcohol anywhere why are people so stupid I made champagne at 12

>They’re not a sign of poverty but wealth paradoxically
This. When I traveled around eastern europe, I expected a lot of fucked up homeless/beggars, but there were none. Unironically some of those third world capitals felt 10x safer than fuckin Seattle.

You'd probably have to have some mode of transportation to get around rural areas. Not to mention most land is bought up anyway, you'll either be camping on public land with tons of rules or on someone's property.

I'm sure some do but cities have everything they want plus gibs/shelters.

thank you

I want to do this but its way way easier said then done. The easiest way to do it is maybe live in the boonies but near a small town which you can then drive to regularly for convenience.

they subsist entirely off of begging productive 'normal' people for money. they are also addicted to drugs and alcohol. homeless people are incapable of self sufficiency, in a cashless society, i think ~90% of them would either starve to death, commit su1cide, or be killed breaking into homes.

It’s easier to live as a raccoon in the city, bro

I guess you have had little to no interaction with the homeless in your life.

Because they get handouts and free shit to feed there addictions living like street vermin

too far away from free gibs

>drugs and booze are hard to come by innawoods.
This. Most of the homeless I've spoken with will not sober up long enough to be admitted to a shelter.

effort, These people are not incapable of working 70% simply don't want to, 30% are mentally ill. We got it twisted thinking these people needed handouts, they would rather sit on their ass and get 2doller burgers and smoke ciggies from bins because its easy.

They don't have the skills, or will because most are mentally ill anyway.
They're the final form of being raised in western modernity depending on a million different centralized systems of (((civilization))) from birth.
I'd like to think that before I would end up homeless I'd have enough from selling everything I couldn't carry to buy a used van and just live in that Terry Davis style.

Inner woods there are so many parts of flora that can be used from roots to barks and herbs that can be used to brew heady concoctions

Alexis’ own travels in Spain and Southern Italy were what caused him to write that essay. They were dirt fucking poor but there were no beggars anywhere. But when he went to London, capitol of the workshop of the world and largest empire in human history, there were paupers on every street corner. He found this very strange until he thought about it more. It’s a good piece, called “Memoir on Paupers”

Based. Honestly having off days while working in a city is pretty demoralizing. Just get your money to buy land and flee.

Sounds like they should all just die then
Something something only the strong survive

begging for money is easier than hunting and rubbing sticks for fire also free food stores and drugs+alcohol

no dumb liberals to give them free shit

The god damn white wealthy suburban women always give them money here where I live in California. They even hold up traffic, perhaps just to make sure everyone else sees how generous and how virtuous she is? Idiots, I'm surrounded by idiots!

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Il bet most homeless people do drugs because they're depressed from meeting people like you all day and actual medical anything is too expensive.

They could go in homeless shelters. But they are mental cases or druggies to begin with. What do you think would happen in the middle of wilderness for them?

Here in LA they always ask me for heroin maybe I look homeless dunno.

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Looks cozy af

in a cashless society, i think ~90% of them would either starve to death, commit su1cide, or be killed breaking into homes.
Wrong. Retarded liberal would vote for politicians to give free phones to the homeless so they can beg for paypal donations.

Post teeth

They stay in the cities because that's where the free food and homeless shelters are. These aren't just people down on their luck, they're hard drug addicts. You could give them everything and they'd throw it away to chase their next high. They certainly aren't going to go innawoods where it's harder to survive. They want as much easy-mode as possible and as much drugs as they can get their unwashed hands on. Oh, they also stay in the cities because that's where the drugs and booze are. Don't ever give these people a damn cent, they'll just give it to drug dealers.

wedont,,seethe homelessin the woods.,and thats a good thing.,
,idream of this noeviction plague,,,a YEAR ofree reign in deep forrest?,OOOooYA!,
,,,justuffing itout in the subasment.

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Feds declared they own all the woods. You're not allowed to live and have freedom in "The New World".

you holdin bro?

This! If we go cashless, the homeless would have square in under a day

Unironically this. But
>I used to be homeless and turned my life around
Fine. You get 1 year of being a bum begging for change, shitting and sleeping in the streets. After that, go innawoods, straighten up, or get the rope.

They don't survive on begging. They get 100% of their food through EBT cards, the shelters, churches, and food banks. Food isn't scarce in the US. If they get money begging that's what they use to buy drugs, or they'll get welfare and sell their food stamps for drug money. Booze they just steal.

t. Works closely with junkies

Yes completely being controlled by banks sounds awesome.
Say wrong words now you are homeless

They are parasites. Parasites cannot live without a host. To live in the woods would be to take care of themselves, they cannot so this. They suck the lifeblood out of cities and drain resources, welfare, food donations, any money they can grift by panhandling.

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Sure now you tell me how you get a job if you don't have an address?
In Europe it's impossible

Oh another means of acquiring money for drugs is they break into your cars at night or your house while you're at work to steal shit then pawn it. Bikes are a commonly stolen and sold item as well. These vermin are the thieves guild in your city, if you have them. Just a destructive force that goes around stealing shit, breaking shit, shitting on everything (literally), bothering people, and causing a massive strain on law enforcement which you pay for in taxes.

that would require hard work. And no drugs.

in the cities the can steal your catalytic converter and get at least 3 hits of smack for it.

There's some BLM land outside of Colorado Springs and it's full of junkies living innawoods. It's only a 30 minute drive from town so they can beg for money in town, buy their cigs, beer, and other drugs, then fuck off to the woods where they trash the fuck out of public camping areas.

>Homeless people have advanced understanding of the process of making booze
God, I fucking hate namefags.

There are more services they can access from under an overpass; nobody will give them loose change in the "woods"
Btw, as a Euro you should know this, but even in America there is actually very little "real" woodland left; mostly just some new growth trees planted to act as wind barriers for farms near them. These patches of trees don't really have enough biodiversity in them to sustain a single human being long term, much less a drug addled urbanite who probably hasn't even went fishing since they were a kid.

>Why don't homeless people go innawoods?
Bigfoot, unironically.

When youre mentally ill you just fuck up any connection so everywhere you go people are gonna ignore u and boom homeless.

Many homeless actually have to check in with law enforcement. For example, the homeless camp under i-10 in New Orleans is actually made up of convicted rapists. They have to check in periodically. The rapists protect each other DID I MENTION THEY RAPE CHILDREN. Homeless are scum on a whole other level

They aren't there are no homeless people without society.
Hell you don't have drug addicts without it either.
Burn down the citys all of them no drugs around guess il building a small home and have children because there's nothing else to do
Stop pretending this isen't something that isen't your fault.

You use the homeless shelter, church, or various charity organizations as your address, retard. The only exception is the child molesters who have to register as sex offenders. They have to use the closest cross streets to where they "live." This is how we'd spot the chomos checking into our shelters, they'd either have their cross streets or a motel room as their address, whereas everyone else just used the shelter address. If they did stay at the shelter enough for that to be considered their residence, we had to send out flyers to nearby apartments notifying them that a sex offender now lives nearby.

can't get crack innawoods

a thread died for this, retard