Mexican President Obrador López openly names the Jew... can you be more based than this man?

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seems like bs to me

mexico needs a dose of freedom

Mexican invasion imminent?

rest in peace, truly too based for his time

For me it’s his re-nationalization of the oil industry. Mexico is a major gas importer now and a net oil importer too, and refined fuels importer too, but the new refinery in his home state should help with that whenever it comes online. I bet the kickbacks were kino.

No you don't lmao

Imagine China responding by cutting off all antibiotic and computer sales to the US.

Would be a pretty easy transition because you already know the language. When I lived there for awhile I had to learn your fucking gay conjugation language from scratch.
They'd be able to tell your Spaniard from your accent though. I don't know how Mexicans view Spanish people though.

How can one man know so much?

Spanish language speakers are very redpilled on jews. Interesting...

>the sky is blue
que basado!

The ashkenazim are the synagogue of satan

a la muerta la sinagoga de satanas

Why don’t they then? They never do anything like that at all ever.

>inb4 the US invades Mexico


kys we are the master race its you christcucks that are demonic

Mexibros... I kneel.


he should build a wall to keep these jews out
>I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it

fake and gay no archive link

kys jew boy. what jew owned media would you rather the link come from?

lmao his office is full of jews

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I am just saying, if we get rid of both we don`t hear about desert lore anymore.

The Jewish Mafia apparently can run a country better


No link?


Breitbart is a full blown ZOG outlet now.
I mean Andrew was a kike but he was definitely in the "alright" zone.

breaking news.
Reality is antisemitic.

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Id rather have an actual video of him saying it in context than a jew clickbait article meant to be consumed by Israel worshipping boomers.

>what jew owned media would you rather the link come from?
All of the Jewish media frankly.
Don't you think it's a little odd they aren't all reporting on this?
I am trying to find information about this, doesn't seem to pop up - don't Jews usually scream to the heaven's with the trumpets of Jericho at the slightest whiff of antisemitsm?

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>master race

The ashkenazim are gentile and the synagogue of satan.
zionism is the work of the devil.
Many already know this and many more will

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Sounds pretty familiar
But according to Any Forums shill this guy is apparently a zionist

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Turns out the guy is actually a leftist faggot and his second in command (Mexico City mayor) is a female jew.

He's wrong.

>America is run by a Jewish GAY mafia