Brazil and south america

What are the political implications of Brazil literaly annexing all our neighboors to protect our continent from communism ?

- We have the army ( over 400K soldiers in the army, if necessary we can deploy 2 million to fight for the motherland )
- In case total war is declared we can easily use soviet like strategy/warfare against our enemies : throw hordes upon hordes of mutts and nigs to push back the invaders while white brazilian Bvlls follow them behind with tanks and artillery;
- We have the balls to do it;
- We have Russia and China as allies in case Mutts and NATOids intervene in our conquest;

What do you think ?

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I want 10 qt latinas as throphy

Bolsonaro is a zionist centrist.

Do you guys still have some Nova Era memes? I miss those days. Especially that one vid with the Angra song.

What happens in Ecuador and Peru?

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>mfw I can't read a fucking map
Nvm sorry

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Sounds gay and jewish.

>protect our continent from communism
>We have Russia and China as allies

Hello fellow chinese blothel, how much ale you paid to stay hele ?


t. small dick energy

I'd be on board
but your country can't even manage to keep down the cartel-favela human execution-torture of-women-and-children-while-their-mother-or daughter-watches tm
tend to your garden monkey

All we need is literaly someone Based like Enéias or Gustavo Barroso to fix our internal politics, the favelas thing is easy to solve, just send the army to exterminate , not arrest but EXTERMINATE, all the criminals.
Don't be a pussy monke, we are the strongest in our continent.

kek this it's funny how anti-western ideologies have become
yes! I'm allying with foreign communists to kick the communists out the countries of my neighbours!


Go for it. We'd support it but our government won't.

start with venezuela and you will see that the cuban island will run out of supplies and will have to fall

>Brazil has ammunition for 2 minutes of war (proven fact)
>Brazil is 54% nigger
>Majority of the rest is brown-skinned
>2,5 million people can't read
>According to data, only 12% of the country's people can actually interpret text (funcional illiterates) (IBGE)
>39% of the country's people are working, more than half of those work informal jobs (cutting grass for change, for example)
>41.069 murders in 2021 (that were acknowledged)
>One of the most corrupt governments in the world
>One of the worst education systems in the world, behind many african shitholes in that matter
>Out of 216 million people, only 70 million have access to tap water or a sewer system
>33 million brazilians suffer from hunger every single day
>25% of the population lives on an income less than 20USD a month (aka extreme poverty)
>8% of the population lives in favelas
>200k people live in the streets

Fuck you, this country's a joke from start to finish and couldn't handle the third minute of a conflict

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we send favelados to invade
you kill them

the only thing that makes brazil powerful is its size and resources. otherwise literally every other country in south america is superior

>What are the political implications of Brazil literaly annexing all our neighboors to protect our continent from communism ?
Terrible for Brazil, because when we annex the clay we also annex the population.

This means we will then have to provide for these people shit like electricity, gas, oil, clean water, build infrastructures to support said services, provide them with education, healthcare, all sorts of things! Not to mention rebuild the damage we caused post war.

And WHAT would we gain from it? A few hundred thousand more uneducated workers, for our already over saturated internal market?

There can be profit from annexing other countries, but only if done in a very specific and STRATEGICAL way, which does not involve taking most of the clay.

WE would benefit from annexing Colombia, or Peru, so we have access to the pacific ocean.

We would benefit from annexing venezuela to stop a the communist threat and safeguard the northern region, as well as securing the oil reserves present there.

We would benefit from the PARTIAL annexation of Paraguai, specifically to take full control of the Parana river and Itaipu hydroelectric powerplant.

We would NOT benefit from annexing the rest, it would only over extend our territory further and become a drain in our economy. A much better strategy would be to create puppet governments under our control to ensure very beneficial trade agreements for our country, similar to what the USA does.

I don't know should I like this or not. Defending your continent from communism is based as fuck but you monkeys are vatniggers.

ughhhh why do you want MORE niggers?

imagine being such a midwit mongrel complex ridden nigger

olá reddit

good luck climbing up here macacos