Why are american reactionairies called "conservatives" if all they do is roll back the progress that has been made in...

why are american reactionairies called "conservatives" if all they do is roll back the progress that has been made in the past decades?

and why are american conservatives called "progressives" if they just never change anything and let everything stagnate?

just a question from a concerned euro

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shut up you're belgian

fuck why didn't the flag stay

belgian gang

and nobody thought about bringing some waffles

Why arent jews killed on sight?

my body my choice, i dont want your aids, so im conservative

cause you look like one

>never change anything
antiabortion laws are new

>be jewish
>tell goys niggers tongue their anus
>make them get aids
>mix with melanin enriched nogs
>kids born with hiv and no souls
>perfect goy cattle slaves jews always wanted

Re-defining words to keep up with the current political and cultural Zeitgeist is as American Pie. How else do you think modern authoritarian leftists could call themselves liberals?

>"humans" are hackable animals
if theyre born with hiv and lack a soul, only "software"

thats called being reactionary, us boy
yall have leftists?

hiv locks you out from reincarnation goyim

>roll back the progress

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reactionary is a term used to make you feel bad by someone abusing you.
if a woman was raped, can you called her a rapedionary? no, you can't.

Someone's been listening to too much npr.
Making the federal gov larger and more powerful does not equate to progress.

either born with hiv, made a blood pact with someone with hiv, or just stupid and "had sex" and got hiv

Is there a place on earth that doesn't suffer from the existence of leftists? What's more leftist than BLM, my favorite American leftyfag LAP?

Almost forgot the herbs.

leftyfag LARP

Why do leftards call degeneracy and corrosion "progress"?

Oh shit, my brother just got full body phalloplasty!

he just saw an anime about wolves, that's all it takes

My thought was, "they think they got it all".

Not all progress is good user. In fact, sometimes progress is so detrimental that it requires backwards thinking to advert disaster.

Calling them what they are would result in their excommunication from the Cult of Progress.

>and why are american conservatives called "progressives"
they aren't