“White hate” disproved

>Whites are oppressed
>Media always defends whites, ESPECIALLY criminal ones
Well, Any Forums? Your silence is fucking deafening.

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I hate niggers

Go back to Pakistan

Nigger is my only comment.

>Your silence is fucking deafening.
I'd much rather that than them speaking, all they do is scream louder than any pink-haired liberal I've ever met.

The picture is unnironically right. All this nowadays society is just designed in a way to make a white man go crazy unless you are an absolute golem.

>media always defends whites, especially criminal ones
No they do, they do the opposite.

Foreigners have no right to be in our country.

With our own people we actually have to fix the problem, not just remove it.

>white supremacist
>domestic terrorist
>angry white man
all fields

#NotAllWhitePeople because you told us we can't blame race or religion or culture. Stop being racist against white people.

>implies that whites are treated with more understanding
Wait until they’re not the absolute majority anymore. They’ll go the way of the native Americans, except the reservations will be small nations and they won’t be drug-infested alcoholic shitholes, and everyone will want to live near them.

If Hispanic
If Arab
>part and parcel
If black
If white

We already proved he is some kind of antifa trans terrorist you slapnuts.

So much cope, such little evidence to support your bullshit

Whites aren’t a race, much less are they “people”. I prefer coloniser.

OP btfod by one picture.

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niggers tongue my anus

Im going to murder G7 admins and NATO personnel until I get caught or shot.
I have the equipment and know-how to commite terrorism and violence against non-combatant personnel.
Violence works. I dont particularly care. Im sane and have no history of mental illness. Because I think it works. Not suicidal. Not racially motivated. Politically motivated, antisemitism, anti-GAE. I dont mind.

? explain


Attached: whentheshooteris___ breadpanes edit.jpg (2504x2500, 3.06M)

>Mayo monkey doesn’t know how to cite sources

He had face tattoos, he fits in the Black's bracket.


But the questions about the white guy are good questions that NO ONE is asking.
Why are males so desperate? Are they being given access to their basic needs? Are they being given compassion, help and support? Does anyone care about them or are they utterly alone? Is the treatment they receive from governments, schools, media or judges fair?