What happened here?

What happened here?

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the beginning of our real and beautiful relationship with the state of israel

The modern day Republican Party was born.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

you should be ashamed
fucking lurk more dumb fagots

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why could it develop for so long without anyone getting mad?

This is leftist tier understanding of economics. People didn’t get better that their fucking jobs new technology and capital was created making productivity go up. Use your retarded monkey brains for once in your life

So exactly what I just said?

The left is mad, but they only make up half of the country. The right is 100% complacent.

wasn't technology supposed to make life easier for everyone? less work more free time, more wealth?

Gold standard removed around then
Immigration legislation already mentioned
Women pushed to join workforce, doubling available labor pool

All three drove down value of labor in US

decoupling of USD from gold, and a pretty bad recession

It's Nixon's fault.

>People didn’t get better that their fucking jobs new technology and capital was created making productivity go up
And so why shouldn't those advancement be given to the people? Why are all of the monetary gains given only to the richest of the rich?

You're the kind of idiot that buys the GOP's shtick hook, line, and sinker.


Death to kikes

Attached: kikexpulsion.webm (468x360, 2.85M)

>The right
i don't think that this is the right
left and right are quintessentially quite similar, just that the right is more national, territorial and patriot and the left is more international and inclusive.
it's not called national socialism by accident.

fucking computers you fucking retarded fuckfaced cunt

Women entered the workforce

The High-Point/Victory Point for Second Wave feminism in the US with the passage of the ERA act through both houses of Congress.

Computers. Productivity goes up because of technology.

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how did we end up having computers making it worse for everyone?

>end of gold standard
>massive federal welfare entitlements
>immigration act

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They didn't make it worse. They made it so you can be way more productive in a shorter period of time.

but why did your dad buy a house and two cars and could afford a vaccination for you every year and you can't?

in a too subtle a fashion for my grug-tier brain

>What happened here?
USA lost the Cold War, and changed the rules of the game.

Computers might account for the productivity line, but the compensation line is due to cheap foreign labor like when there was slavery. Slavery was bad for the working man. Hard to compete with slave labor.

The feminist movement encouraged women to enter the workforce en masse, thereby doubling the size of the labor force (and halving labor value per the law of supply and demand).

Look up the source and it tells you

What broke the link between pay and productivity?
Starting in the late 1970s policymakers began dismantling all the policy bulwarks helping to ensure that typical workers’ wages grew with productivity. Excess unemployment was tolerated to keep any chance of inflation in check. Raises in the federal minimum wage became smaller and rarer. Labor law failed to keep pace with growing employer hostility toward unions. Tax rates on top incomes were lowered. And anti-worker deregulatory pushes—from the deregulation of the trucking and airline industries to the retreat of anti-trust policy to the dismantling of financial regulations and more—succeeded again and again.

In essence, policy choices made to suppress wage growth preventedpotentialpay growth fueled by rising productivity from translating intoactualpay growth for most workers. The result of this policy shift was the sharp divergence between productivity and typical workers’ pay shown in the graph.


Also forgot to mention Roe v Wade, 1972.

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probably non-white immigration or maybe just jewish capitalism finally taking over

Tarriffs lowered

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Jews happened. That graph is why nobody in modern society should work until the pay matches the productivity.

>fry cook has to flip 20 burgers
>process gets automated and is now 5x more efficient with half the work
>fry cook now wants 5x the pay
leftist retards see nothing wrong with this

I'm a republican and I see nothing wrong with it. Pay people fairly based on the value of their labor or it's slavery.

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this 'productivity' graph perfectly coincides with the rise in use of computers in the business world. Computers = more productivity but the computers/people who maintain them aren't getting paid an equal amount for the productivity they create, whereas before a human was needed to accomplish that work

Also kikes/taxes


>I'm a republican
I doubt that, but republicans are center left cucks anyway so it’s possible

60s were feminism / Vietnam /JFK assassination / 65 immigration bill / kike monopoly on media basically finished

That was a huge consolidation of kike power. They immediately began boiling the frog.

Since they rig elections and won't give up their stolen power peacefully. There is only one solution.

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