Literally a bunch of millennials and zoomers but you fags want to base all our modern laws on their extremely limited...

Literally a bunch of millennials and zoomers but you fags want to base all our modern laws on their extremely limited edgelord experience. Why?

Attached: d.png (1080x1478, 200.06K)

that is fuckin crazy. look at what white men can accomplish even at such a young age

They didn't have Florida, the internet, and tranny hormone laced food and water.
American men are basically lobotomized eunuchs by comparison.


fucking Florida

Correct me if wrong but these founding fathers (Jefferson excepted) were all involved in the drafting of the Constitution and less involved, if at all, in the Revolution

You're kidding. I never knew this. Wtf those are literally children.

For reference, the Constitution entered into force in 1789, 13 years later when Monroe would have been 31

>Literally a bunch of millennials and zoomers
Are you retarded?

Drink 17 glasses of water!

Created a powerful nation in their 20's to surpass the british empire, meanwhile niggers in africa were building mudhuts mixed with cow shit and blowing air into their anuses. You are allowed to feel pride , retard

so, what did You achieve at age of 18?

They didn't have PRIVILEGE you fucking racist

A bunch of people who saw a bunch of crazy shit and fought through it. Way different than sitting around drinking overpriced British tea and trying to justify why the Stamp Act is a good thing.

This can’t be real lol Madison just 25?!!?! WTF

they didnt have public school, which was designed to turn people into debt batteries


I always knew deep down Florida was the root of all evil, this finally settles it.

>mhu privilege

Go and neck yourself tranny

Jefferson was the only one that mattered. They kept Hamilton around to prove they believed in free speech.

They didn't live as long stupid fucks 21 was seen as middle age


They didnt go to modern school so they were not turned into retarded drones