Tobacco:once shilled hard by hollywood, now called unhealthy/bad for you

Why did the the perception of tobacco changed so much in the last 60 years ? Pic related my little homegrown tobacco field.

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What zones does it grow?
Is it too late to plant?
Would be cool to grow my own tobacco.

found out inhalation of combustion products causes cancer and that costs health insurers money and takes operating room time away from things like circumcisions and sex reassignment

>drugs are not bad
>trust me
Wahrscheinlich trinkst du auch noch Bier oder anderen Alkohol.

Because jews switched to selling weed

That didn’t stop them with the vax

>No fun allowed ACH SHEISE
Typical germanoid

Jews realized they didn't own it.

>my little homegrown tobacco field.

Respect. Chad hobby.

Cigarettes last a while and are worth a shitton of money if the government centralizes your currency and puts expiration dates on shit.

Careful about diseases, I heard they could ruin your soil.

Combusting and inhaling polyester fibers causes cancer. There's probably some bad shit in cigarettes that make them suck too, but that is an obvious factor that will continue to be ignored as DUDEWEED storms the scene.

unironically vax just doesn’t work efficacy fades, no grand conspiracy and the side effects can’t be pinned back to the vax anyhow

Be careful when harvesting user, the nicotine can go through your skin and give you an overdose

Hardy to 10 and 11 but will grow from zone 2 to 11. If you have at least 100 frost free days a year you should be good to go

they do not last as long as alcohol and are harder to store and make, you’re probably a silver fag tho so why bother with reason


Thanks, is it too late to plant?

I've picked the leaves and it gives you a solid ear ringing buzz with tingling skin.

Big powerful lobby gets complacent and loses the favor of politicians, someone else takes their place.

Do you have 100 frost free days left? Fucking tard.

Takes at least 70 days to harvest it so if you start now you should be fine.

Yes. I plant out seeds in March indoor and bring them out in May cause there are no more temperatures below 0°C.

For decades corporations invested into propaganda campaign driving cigarettes mainstream and widely adopted.
After decades of asking questions people finally woke up to tobacco being harmful for human health.

That being said, if tobacco was a small time industry for a handful of those who really want it noone would be against that. Smaller producers producing better product for the few who want it is based.
Multinationals forcing tobacco on children for Jewish profits is bad.

Get addicted to nicotine. The Jews HATE this

In my experience growing it, it takes a while for it to get established "very tiny leaves" but when they get some size it takes off and it also does well indoors.

still waiting for the spook who can ID the man in this image who was pertinent to this topic. Come on , use those powerful tools and show us something neat.

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Yeah the plants really take off once they develop a leaf the size of the hand. Got any tips for harvesting and curing, user ?