American anons, what are banana-mayonnaise sandwiches and syrup sandwiches...

American anons, what are banana-mayonnaise sandwiches and syrup sandwiches? Are these dishes common among your fellow countrymen?

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goyim processed food

Niggers, Ivan. Ive never even heard of such food atrocities

Corporate created crap.

> Syrup sandwiches

Did felony mean french toast?

Banana-mayo is something my mother would eat.
I have never heard of a syrup sandwich but isn't it just halfway to French toast?
They also butter bread and put sugar and cinnamon on it.

Why did the captcha go to 6 characters and what do they get out of all of us solving increasingly more complex captchas?

i am nearing my 40s and i have never in my fucking life heard of a banana mayonnaise sandwich

I eat banana and peanut butter sandwiches, never heard of mayo shit

Poor George didn't know how to cook bread, he just poured syrup on bread slices. That's not a toast

Sounds like nigger slop but no, no burger makes any of this

yur a nig

I will not stand here and be insulted by a Chinaman. Plus, we just did DNA tests and there is zero negro.
5% Irish though so you are kind of right.

How old is your mother? Didn't she made those sandwiches for you also? This sounds nasty, but maybe you americans make sweet mayo or something

My dad liked peanut butter and molasses sandwiches. I figured it was due to a poor replacement for jelly he had growing up but not really sure.

I am probably the best example on Any Forums of a goyslop eating ameriburger and I have never heard of either of those things.

My credentials: I once ate a McChicken a day, every day, for 6 months.

Syrup on white bread is a boomer thing here. It was their 'candy' when they were young

No, I have never eaten them. I couldn't stomach mayonnaise until I was an adult. She is older and grew up in a rural area.

Live in major city? Still cant wrap my head around how even poorest guy can eat same thing over and over for 6 months, kek

Banana mayonnaise sandwich is called a 'Hot Floyd' around here.

I can assure you neither one of these is a thing here. Even the dumbest groids around are competent enough to make fried chicken and waffles.

In the South, peanut butter and banana sandwiches are considered weird but not unheard of. But I've never heard of banana and mayo. I didn't think joggers even ate mayo.

Syrup sandwich is Cold Floyd then, gotcha

Dude making toast is barely cooking. You put the bread in the pan and then you flip it over. What the fuck.

I have zero respect for any man who can't do even basic cooking. If you would starve and die without government funded processed food, you are vermin and will not be missed by anyone.

This particular nigger didn't know how to boil water. They have to eat something, right?

>This particular nigger didn't know how to boil water
Sucks for him. He's missing out on everyone's favorite, the Boiled Water Sandwich.

>he couldn't boil water
the dumbest nigger

>banana-mayonnaise sandwiches and syrup sandwiches
Those are sought-after delicacies in Muttland, just so you know