So, Any Forums

So, Any Forums
Why did he do it? I see no motive still

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His motive is that leftist shills have been aggressively gaslighting everyone in America for more than a decade now and it is having consequences.

Truth is an illusion

who is that ugly kike?

Have you ever seen a more jewey jew than that?

The motive is pointing right at you

He’s looking more and more like jimmy numale söy genius

Irony. Ironic meme terrorism is the new thing and I called it months ago

I always found this a stupid concept, you don't need a motive to do anything, you can just attack people at random for no reason at all if you want to.

Its not a stupid concept, no one just throws their whole life away on a random act. There is always a motive.

People always have a motive, but it doesn't have to be logical or understood. "Rigel-13 Moonbeam Cyon Rays from CERN will complete the matrix and the Miley Cyrus devil machine will be born" is a reason to do something.

Even when “known to authorities” even in the most cucked gun control city in the most cucked gun control state, the lone wolf nutburger could not be stopped. With proper training, it would have been 100 KIA and 6 casualties.

The same reason as everyone else who has decided to go indiscriminately murder random people, he is fucking crazy.

Our society not only refuses to attempt to treat crazy people now, it promotes craziness and puts nut jobs on pedestals while demanding the same pretend it is all normal.

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If your life is not worth living why not do some crazy shit on the way out just to YOLO

Failed attention whore, plus promoting gun control.

Is that you Jreg? Can't recognize your face because your nose is bending spacetime too hard

He's reportedly Italian.

it's not lefty fall out to have a dude shoot up a random nobody 4th of July event. How exactly does that impact anyone on the left to go blasting normal families etc? No that's some great replacement, the jews, the new world order, rise up, you're not doing anything about it, niggers are after your white women etc etc BS where you lash out at the basic establishment.
All the echo chamber on the right is doing is fostering a never ending cycle of acting like everyone is out to get them. Elite want them replaced. Browns skins rushing the boarder. Prices up so you can't breed white kids. Vax is trying to kill you. None of it really true but it draws in a certain type of nut bag.

soundcloud viral marketing

So he attacked their own?

>I see no motive still
Just look at him.

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His motive is he was groomed to do so. A loser incel locked down for two years, they have endless hopeless young men to pick for these. They won’t stop until they take the guns.

Gun control


22 years old had to resort to homosexuality because girls rejected him.

he looks like sam hyde's son bicflame

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what are the odds this guy is a commie fag and finally, after years of "America is (racist, fascist, homo/trans/islamphobic, etc)" these weak numales decided to do something?

We know beta basedboy fags never do anything without a consensus to guarantee their safety. Was there enough of a consensus in this fag immediate area (chicago) to think gunning down patriotic americans to be his duty? Something he'd be martyr'd for?

this guy was way to outgoing to be an incel. Incels are shut ins. this guys backstory seems fabricated.

Look at the (((necklace)))

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That tzone is telling another story. Not a Roman tale either. Can’t escape the tzone tell. It’s a gift to us for having to live around them to be able to spot the toxic chosen.

lmao, does s0yb0y get turned into basedboy now? like f4m to desu?

What does gook moot mean by this?

FBI groomed midwit manlet.

Genocide against Antifa as reprisal.

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onions filter has been around for years at this point

It’s a ploy to boost his music career. Just watch as a bunch of low T bug man start streaming his shit on the reg

There is definitely some shlomo blood in him.

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