You may not like it but this is what peak freedom looks like

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I took a huge shit during the attack and was grateful of indoor plumbing

Hunter biden will get more freedom after this

That's cool I just bitched out my wife the other day for scurrying off while I was preoccupied in a retail store. The place is similiar to Sneed's except with Farms and Barns.

If only Chicago and Illinois could pass gun control.

he did it because he was angry about gas prices and inflation

Society has gotten too soft and their solution is to make it softer?

>This is what peak freedom looks like
Subverted by an antifa Bolshevik

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Hope his wife divorces him

Or at least pass something comparable to what Australia did where they completely curbed mass shootings

If everyone was carrying you could have stopped it instead of hiding like a little bitch

wow, more firsthand accounts posted directly to social media from verified accounts no less. you rarely see that. interesting.

Yeah that always works out perfectly

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>Only Police and Criminals should be armed

The Left need to answer this

What happens even if the Ban guns and make it against the Law to own them?

Also didn't Biden gloat about new gun control reforms that haven't been passed in like 20/30yr's ?

Did that do anything to stop gun violents ?

Here in Australia we have 1 of the most strict gun control laws in the world, we have had over 250 gun related violent crim's in 6months

Attached: Just Ban The Gun's Already.jpg (640x641, 57.99K)

>1996 gun law
>Mass shootings virtually stop
>Gun homicide keeps going down
>Overall homicide keeps going down
You're retarded.

>We need less because police are retarded

And therefore he will advocate for ever more restrictions on rights to for civilians who are only cattle to the elite.

Sounds to me like proof that zogbots want shooters to kill people so they can take guns
This dude was killed because he stopped the shooting and ruined their narrative.

I'm not arguing, I'm completely fine with you committing suicide by cop

>wife runs off any chance she gets

She got stretched out in the bathroom, bro.

and the government locked people in their homes over covid you faggot fucking cuck, those roo fuckers are completely whipped. guns mean freedom, if the government does not fear the citizenry then you live in tyranny.

Not my problem

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You mean their glowniggers stopped doing them because they got the guns off everyone