It's over

A century of Holocaust denial. Dead.

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fake like the holokike

wait its 10 million now?
oh we're getting new information: it was actually 25 million
where did those 300 million jews go?
what are we going to do to mourn the 500 billion dead jews!?!?!

As if kikes wouldn't publish any evidence they had at the first opportunity

Of course, I trust the source that provides this information

This. The Eichmann tapes, even the 10.3 million Jews quote, have been referenced at his trial in Jerusalem. No, these tapes aren't news. Nazis were so blatant of their hatred of Jews that they regularly bragged about killing them on tape

remember the 10.3 trillion

>one of the most researched events in history
>Find new evidence right after audio deepfake technology hit maturity
What a coincidence!

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The fake holocost never happened you gay kike

He's obviously answering a leading question by the context.

>a century of holocaust denial
>WWII was 80 years ago
The left can't meme.
The left can't even basic math.

>confession tapes found 65 years later
Gee they must be planning to kill a whole bunch of Palestinians real soon

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>10.3 Trillion
Why so anti-Semitic, goy?

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oh shit nigger, youre right
"if we had"

>He said without evidence
Shut up faggot. Nobody cares what some brainless schiz on the internet thinks

Also where's your flag even from?


The holocaust never happened but it should have and it will

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lmao sure thing kikes

>t. gay seething amerimutt kike

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>10.2 million

What happened to the 12 million bodies?

Wild how these kikes can only bring forth supposed testimony instead of physical evidence for a claim as grand as millions being systematically killed through methods like gassing. Doesn’t the evidence for gassing presented at Nuremberg consist of three testimonies?

about as suspicious as finding the hofle telegram sixty years after the holohoax

>without evidence
Yeah, cause it didn't fucking happen. Hard to have evidence that something didn't happen. Show me a mass grave and I'll shut up.