England, can you tell me why, your country has gone from the Empire of the Sun to the shithole it is today?

England, can you tell me why, your country has gone from the Empire of the Sun to the shithole it is today?

Once Britain ruled half the world. The sun would not even set on your national territory. Because you ruled too many countries.
Even before World War II you still owned India. As a result you lost India instead after winning World War II. Now Indians come to Britain to colonize you.
After 2000 years, the United Kingdom is not as good as the United States, but at least it is still a country famous enough.
Now England will not even be able to keep half of its own islands. Once Scotland and Northern Ireland become independent. Your country becomes a small, ordinary European country. And not even inside the EU.
>How did your country go from ruling half the world to not even being able to rule half of your own islands?

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>your country has gone from the Empire of the Sun

>Once Britain ruled half the world.
no, jews who lived in britain ruled half the world including britain, now they rule the entire world and don't need to hide in perfidious albion behind their wooden wall anymore

that's all there is to it, the people who owned the british empire won big, and now they own everything, so no need to keep the empire as an existing entity, supranational entities are their new british empire

I think he means the empire where the sun never sets.
The empire of the sun I think was Japan?

Jewish demoralisation thread #4747282
Try harder Rabbi, we're coming for you.

And what of the French Rothschilds? Whose glory, banks and culture have been built on these islands for generations past? Now sir, what of them?

The UK should be disbanded. Give the Celtic people their lebensraum back.

For a high iq population you do have such entertaining industrial accidents

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can you tell me why 10,000 english men raped all of india

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>And what of the French Rothschilds?
you mean the ones you forced on as after waterloo? the Cadet branch established in paris in 1815 to one of the sons of Mayer Rothschild? yes that is indeed your doing too

>The UK should be disbanded. Give the Celtic people their lebensraum back.

The problem is all the countries int eh UK except England are financial basket cases that cant survived on their own,

You shouldnt have picked a fight with us and we wouldnt have been forced to make you in to a country of jews.

Empire of the sun was Japan you fucken doofus.

Yes, that's what I mean. That's just a translation error.

battle of Trafalgar led to undisputable British maritime dominance for the next 150 years, which hit in time perfectly for the industrial revolution.
This allowed the British Empire to outgrow and outproduce everyone it wanted to.
The power imbalance of course changed drastically after two world wards, and the fact that their colonies (i.e. you) had caught on to industrial tier manufacturing and farming meant that taking over country was militarily difficult, let alone subjugating an entire continent, and also the fact that years of superiority had led to a change in attitude in the west, people no longer felt that life was an endless struggle, but worth living, so when the living standards sky rocketed, people became softer, and less inclined towards war.

>You shouldnt have picked a fight with us
england declarted war on the french republic over 10 times in a row

you're a dumb cattle subhuman, a proud slave of the jew, you live like a slave because that's what you are, evil may reign in this world because of your doing, and despite all this I still have standards of livings thousands of times above yours, so who is laughing? I'll tell you who, your old masters for one, I wonder how they can even stay alive without dying of laughter with slaves as hilarious as you

>Yes, that's what I mean. That's just a translation error.
ok, well that would be a correct description of France today, the sun never sets on french soil, on top of the miriad of puppet states we have, we directly own land in every single timezone, like the british empire did a long time ago, but not anymore, as it of course no longer exists

Attached: England.jpg (1333x10000, 3.43M)

You are at least the 20th white person to post this crap to me.
You guys can't even post something new.
>Indians are funnier than you guys, I'd rather go eat Indian curry than British shit.

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it seems big english cock has caused quite the upset

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your women love us, thats all that matters really


>england declarted war on the french republic over 10 times in a row

Whatever our demands were you should have agreed to them.
Its better than being turned in to a nation of jews like you are now.

A quirky pie is nothing compared to the food the Chinese eat.

omg, these photos are horrible. And I thought only Americans were so depraved and stupid and fat.
I was wrong

>our demands
why do you say our you mentally ill subhuman slave? why we? you're not part of it, you were owned by your masters who are the ones whoa ttacked the republic, you're still owned by them now

you never made any demand, you never owned anything, the british empire was never yours, you were an empovrished illiterate subhuman selling his sons to the coal mine and his daughters to the brothel kek

nationalism really plays a number on low IQ schizos

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Those things are food for the poor, because of poverty they eat everything.
The problem is that even the rich people in Britain have such bad taste in food. This is a very serious problem.

english semen

all over indian womens faces

Yeah, remember not to run like a nigger.

mexico, england and USA all have similar obesity ratew

england is a country that is completely different from western europe, just use google street to look at the people living in countries, you will see for yourself

Attached: WATYA SAYIN MOIT'.jpg (850x1276, 536.97K)

You French are a stubborn bunch. You would rather all your future generations become jews than acquiesce to some minor inconvenience now.
Thats why I like you. Plus my Uncle could get off any parking ticket in Paris because he was part of the French resistance.

your mum would suck my cock because im 6'4 and sexy and my penis is large


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Because Jews won WWII. But Jews only won that battle, not the war which is slowly turning against them everyday.

Is British food so bad because they are a separate island like Australia? Even ruling half the world still can't save them from their terrible taste in food.

Prove to me that your dick is big enough.

Yeah obviously, and fighting Germany when they should have been allies.

been a shithole for over 50 years dumfuck it's all that white privilege we keep getting told about

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>he was part of the French resistance.
Among the other 200 million self-claimed members, or for real?

i dont need to half the planets got a bit of english in them

It all turned to shit in the 1950s when they started importing blacks to replace all the white men who died in WW2.

Unless your dick speaks English, it's no match for a nigger.

At least we don't torture animals to death to marginally improve the taste of their flesh, you unforgiveably evil subhumans

What? That's the stupidest decision I've ever heard of.

>Is British food so bad because they are a separate island like Australia? Even ruling half the world still can't save them from their terrible taste in food.

Its because we were busy taking over the world. So we just took over other peoples food as well.
We mainly invented more convent food like the Earl of Sandwich invented the Sandwich.

All I know for certain is he could park anywhere in Paris and call someone up to get his tickets cancelled.

niggers are slaves thoughs and my dicks probably bigger
its quite large

Yes, after all, you are a "kind" country where lobsters have to be euthanized.
I hope you are so kind to other humans.
Well, at least the sandwich is food with soul.


Prove it to me

Yeah, it sucks. This country went from great to shit in the space of 30 years. I'm embarrassed by all the brit-shits in this thread defending our awful country. I look out the window and see nothing but blacks now. Everything is falling apart. I'd leave but I've carved out a comfy NEET life faking disability and extracting as much from this turd of the country before it collapses completely in the next 20 years.

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>, the United Kingdom is not as good as the United States
You are delusional