Hitler wanted the official currencies of germany to be gold and silver. Is this a based political move?

hitler wanted the official currencies of germany to be gold and silver. Is this a based political move?

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>was a complete dictator with absolute power
>didn't make the official currency gold and silver
>I totally want to do that

That's not true he wanted to make some weird labor based currency or something like that if I remember correctly

>yeye anyday now
>Yeye anyday now

Controlled opposition puppet

The germans were retards for trusting him

Yeah nah
Fuck you
Gold is a sheeney trick.
Money was based on labour and output of every individual
Giving everyone a inherent value.

He was going to harness value from labour and make it tangible

Never heard of that

>what are silver reichsmarks
>why was the exchange rate fixed against the USD (which was gold backed at that time)
The currency was backed by physical precious metals at that time.

Attached: silver-reichsmarks-5.jpg (4128x2322, 3.75M)

Attached: hitler-currency.jpg (640x1024, 133.83K)

Oh you meant that's supposed to be backed by it?

The whole German economy of that time was centered around "work"
It was explicit not backed with the gold standard simply because after ww1 Germany didn't had that
It's kind of complicated but it was backed by the work of the German people
Adolf Hitler to the German workers:"Why was it that our Reichsmark was stable while the other currencies lost worth? There is no Gold behind, but YOU my workers are backing it up!"

Except it was backed by physical silver coins.
The USD was backed by gold, there was a fixed exchange rate between German marks and USD.
It was RM4.2 = $1 until 1933.
Since 1933, the USD was changed from $20.68 to $35 and that devaluation led to RM2.48 = $1.
>4.2 * 20.68 / 35 equals 2.48

Attached: bidwellmarkstodollars.jpg (602x470, 79.19K)

It was before nuclear technology.

and thats why jews like bernard baruch conned poland into being a kosher sheep

Labor currency was to default the usurious credit system in place. By reprinting the currency to a debtless system the "labor" value was to arbitrate some value to hour.
>work 15 hours receive x-Reichmarks
Again from a hyperinflationary period it was smart to make the people relearn a time value of labor.
It was totally arbitrary and quickly dropped after the US exempted its loans on Germany around middle 30s. By then actual manufacturing was in high gear and people were more or less acclimated to work life like they were 30 years prior.

hitlers finance minister was a freemason, which is a jewish fraternity btw. just like the entire vatican is a jewish masonic shell operation. and yet, gaydolph sucked the vaticans dick. and guess what jews head freemasonry? the british royal family, who themselves are actually rothschilds. and again, hitler bowed to them. adopph hitler and the rest shouldve been used as gym punching bags.

rare Hitler!

This world is the allies victory

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Official currency in Hitler Germany was productivity.

I hope one day Hitler will be on one of Germany's dollar bills along with other German heroes.

>Everything I don't understand is jewish

Read When Money Dies by Adam Fergusson

gold standards are infeasible because governments ALWAYS take on too much debt to stay solvent under a hard money standard. doesn't matter if it's a democracy or Nazi regime.