Why do midwits love Jim Pool?

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The only people that like him I have to assume empathize with baldness...but Ive never actually heard him talk so I really dont know.

He appears to be willing to report mostly unbiased information. Perhaps purposely, forcefully retardedly unbiased.

I've no idea of the audience he grifts off of, nor of all the other grifters, it makes no sense that any of them have a following, let alone big enough to make them millionaires, nor streamers, tik tok, nor ewhores, but there they are. In short the mass of drooling npcs is huge.

He's hiding voldemort under his turbin.

half truth peddlers are worse than liars
with the latter at least you'll have an easier time smelling the bullshit and knowing where you stand as a result of it

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samurai sword and a musket
is he bald? Is that why hes wearing a beanie indoors?
Is this some kind of king of the edgelords?

Because he touches the surface on what could possibly be never ending rabbit holes. Normies have literally NEVER thought about the things he mentions and so by their accounts Pool is a crazy madlad genius exposer of the truth. The bar is set pretty low for normies. You should have seen the look of disgust and fury on everyone at my 4th of July BBQ when I was talking to them about central banking and modern monetary theory/policy. Some wanted revolution and others didn't want to believe it.

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>Is that why hes wearing a beanie indoors
He's hiding Voldemort underneath it.

his popularity is due to the fact that he shits out 30 minute long videos with clickbait titles of him reading the news puts out several of them a day and hosts a stream full of semi-intereatung people to make up for his lack of personality.
basically he just grinds at the all the key points to making a successful yt channel just enough to maintain a positive viewer base

Dim Fool. Eats off the same troth bitchute tubers do

At least it's better than half the shit on TV. It's a good show when they have good guests.

He's had the money to fix his baldness long time ago yet sticks to wearing that stupid beanie 24/7, he's going to be buried in it.

because retards hate him

its crazy how defensive normies get you when you tell them about fractional reserve banking. They think youre trying to pull the wool over their eyes or something.

because he seems very reasonable compared to you fucking lunatics.

Pointing out what jews say and do, crazy.

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You know that there are other site right?

it Jim Stool, you midwit

Why do you have empathize with baldness to like Tim Pool? That makes zero sense?

Libertarians remind me of the retarded adolescent teenager at the dinner table that wont shut the fuck up about the big bad government, these people are so fucking low IQ it's hilarious.