Technically you should have been married by 18-20, probably younger

Technically you should have been married by 18-20, probably younger.

Attached: download (1).jpg (275x183, 11.5K)

There's a little to unpack in "technically"

I'm 30 and never had a gf.

Have you tried beeing yourself

how the fuck do you get married when you're supposed to be in school/training for future and working to build experience? Western average age of marriage is around 30 and white people have always married when they are a bit older so it's nothing new.

Yes that's the problem.

Haha, i'm almost 32 and still no gf. Try harder looser.

Got married at 20. Have three kids now. Wife was a normie when I claimed her and is now based due to my redpills. Life is good.

>ages 3 years instantly in your path
Did I win (lose)?

Getting married is a scam, women are whores and the only ones that gain from your marriage is the lawyers.

I was.

40yo, I win.

By just going ahead and getting married.

But there's nobody to marry yet.

Attached: 85079554_p6.jpg (2039x2894, 1.49M)

true. should have owned a home by 22. but now i am 33, living in a sharehouse with several strangers to make rent, and i get no replies on dating apps. such is life. the world doesn't have enough space for everyone to be happy and fulfilled.

18-20 years old person isn't even considered a fucking human and eligible for any proper employment because education takes longer than that. "Should" derives from state world objectively is and not from one's imagination, and therefore your imaginary criteria for when one should do what isn't even worth being upset about.

How do you not having a gf in fucking Ukraine?

Ex-USSR isn't magical tradthot land like westoids imagine, it is land where soviet feminism has won century ago. The only difference between average western thot and average east european thot, is that latter tends to be considerably more greedy and materialistic due to imprint left by generations of scarcity on collective unconsciousness.

Yes perhaps.

Send me back there with a note to do it all different this time and don’t do drugs

I'm 30 and want nothing to do with marriage and family raising. I'm also black.

Thank god

I was 24 when I had my first, got 3 now and 29, wish I had started it earlier for sure