If whites actually wake up and help themselves, which parasite group will be BTFO hardest by this?

Imagine if a sort of paradigm shift were to occur, perhaps after things get SO BAD economically or otherwise, and there is some sort of mass white awakening where it becomes common place to talk about all of this planned white genocide, and ~95% of whites start voting as a bloc to help only themselves like all the other races do.

If this were to actually happen, which non-white group would be the most nuclear ass-blasted by it?
I'm not even talking about BTFO as in violence, I'm talking about which group would be the most mad by losing access to white people and free gibs they have enjoyed from the work of whites for many decades now.
Hardmode: Which group other than Jews? Since they are the obvious #1 top kvetchers if this would happen.
You don't even have to limit it to just race, you could be specific. For example, not all pajeets but specifically H1B tech pajeets that take all jobs and do mediocre work.

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Blacks will get BTFO more than Jews. Jews will always hide in the shadows and build up bullshit, blacks have never did anything.


I guess if we stopped manufacturing HRT for them entirely that would fuck up their whole program pretty quick lol


For some reason Pakis in the UK make me particularly fucking sick.
It's like some weird sense of entitlement I get from them. Even though like blacks are certainly entitled, I get the feeling like the dune hajis in England think of themselves like they are Saladin conquering the Europeans by collecting their government check every week. For some reason, I want to take their gibs away even more than blacks. It's the entitlement that gets me the most.
Also: Every Guatemalan I've ever seen at a grocery store in America. They seem to be a race made to stand in the middle of grocery isles with dead-eye 70 IQ stare and make you question the existence of a higher power.

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Honestly something needs to be done about the spic menace in the short term. Kikes and niggers can be dealt with later. It's the fat, goblin retard spics that are causing the white population to become a minority in America. I don't want to here any fucking "muh based latinos that vote red!" retardation. I don't give a fuck who they vote for. They are a plague on this nation and need to be deported. Illegal or not it doesn't fucking matter.

*hear not here you retard motherfucker.

White liberal women

A big problem with spics or from their perspective a source of strength is that they aren't really one race so you have people like Marco Rubio advocating for some goblin beaners that might as well be fauna in a jungle without these people advocating for them.
Like they have the advantages of the low IQ gibsmedat hordes like blacks do, but they also have as well as other castes to work toward their benefit, whereas blacks only have like Jews to use them as bio weapons. The high caste spics often legitimately work to help their fellow beaners. But it's like fuck off, you have an entire continent with a caste system already set up for you.

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Only the jews would get btfo, the rest would just fuck off and leave us alone. You'd see a massive reduction in crime I guess.

dude complaining about women is like you might as well complain about your children
they have always been the way they are and they always will be, even if we ever manage to fix our situation. The fact that we let them ever get women voting being a thing is ultimately our own fault, even if the Jews worked relentlessly for it. It's the white men's fault for not completely BTFOing that so hard and fast that it would not even be on the table, but they completely failed and seeing the result of it today is like a cruel clown show.

>which parasite group will be BTFO hardest by this?
There's no differentiation between them, they are all functionally equivalent.

Imagine if all their gibs and privileges were revoked? They'd mostly starve to death.

you can avoid niggers, you cant avoid spics

Any Forums likes to pretend that whites are just innocent victims, and around 50% of them are, but the other 50% is actively vying for cultural and moral collapse. Any Forums likes to turn a blind eye and infantilize whites for this though while placing the blame elsewhere.

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>written by a spicoid

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that's the thing, denying blacks gibs is the perfect solution to undo every problem we have caused by violating the prime directive with them so to speak.
We don't need billions of blacks destroying every mega fauna species in Africa that is left in the world for bush meat.
If we simply denied them gibs across the globe, including in Africa, then they would naturally regress to their natural population levels, which would be easily manageable and also allow them to continue on their own evolutionary path, whatever that might lead to.
Given niggers doritos and blunts is like feeding the animals in an ecological preserve. It isn't helping them.

Maybe it’s because I live in Texas and I’m used to them, I don’t have as much grievance. I think Indians would be the most ass blasted, no more HB1 visas, all private property appropriated back to whites, no more shitty pajeet doctors. And to top it off, no one really wants their women either.

lmao it's Carleton

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