Instead of addressing mental illness, let's surrender our weapons to our benevolent overlords

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Who are these overlords?

They ought to have a name...

I'd rather see every single rightwinger disarmed and gulaged rather than see your draconian, tyrannical "mental health solutions" enacted, which literally include the forced imprisonment and even lobotomization of the mentally ill for having committed no crime whatsoever

Jews and Jew puppets pretending to work for the country.

There are no "overlords". You get a vote. That's how democracy works. The rightwing hates democracy, they're literally the ones trying to take your power and freedom away from you

Addressing mental illness doesn't have to be tyrannical. It can simply start by just talking about it and introducing programs to school that minimize/eradicate it. We need a cultural change regardless. Things are insane and have gone to shit.

Sir Hebe Kikeburger

Ok, “cancel anyone who disagrees with me” culture

No. We already have that and it's the shit rightwingers are trying to cut. You're describing lefty ideas about mental illness. That's not what the rightwing is advocating for. They want the return of the old asylum system

Wow yeah see how fucked up you all are that you can't tell the difference between you acting like a dickhead and shouting "NIGGER!" and people not wanting to hire you anymore, and then literally cutting vulnerable, poor people's brains out of their heads after you forcibly imprison them?

See how you immediately jump to thinking getting banned on twitter or something is as bad as the ladder? That's your fucking psychopathic entitlement on the rightwing

I still say they should bring back nut houses.

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No. We don't. Lefty ideas of mental illness have to do with accepting it and even promoting it. We need to make it a social stigma. We need to remove feminist ideas about toxic masculinity and create a culture for boys that has to do with channeling aggression honorably and with equal force. Teach every boy how to fight and encourage handling fights after school in a boxing ring. Every boy gets their ass whooped and the ones who suck really bad get taught by students who are really good or their teacher. That would solve a ton of it right there.

Mental illness does not appear in a vacuum. We have a system where the efforts of the competent are completely wasted on parasites, and a system which gives young men absolutely no reason to be invested in the success of their country. These are the conditions that lead to directionless depression, frustration, and mental illness. The solution is not just "treat mental illness" -- the solution is to have a functioning society.

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I don't know what kind of retarded incel shit you're ranting about with "the feminists" and whatnot, but rightwingers are trying to bring back the old asylum system and have the mentally ill forcibly locked up and lobotomized if they don't behave themselves after they're forcibly locked up. They're also actively criminalizing poverty all over the country and making it felonies to be homeless

Schizo cope

You're fucking stupid. The feminized culture we live in is a leading cause for all of this. Children end up being bullied and turned into social outcasts who don't have friends or sex. This is the main reason for so many modern mass shootings. Go back to traditional roles for men and women, instill honor into boys, and society would see a drastic improvement. Mandatory fight club as part of PE. It should be the main thing taught in gym glass.

Hey retard . said shit that makes young men have no investment is fucking the woke left wing mob ruining their life . america is a lefty hell hole , bigger than the euros

fucking wrong. The majority of “the left” is a mass of vile ableists. Most of you need to be forced to read Foucault and Deleuze while you work in coal mines

Yeah I don't know what those words mean but I do know the rightwing wants to have your existence criminalized

maybe i'd believe that if you queers stayed away from my 2A

Is 90% of the country "queer"? Because that's the percentage of people who want stricter gun control in this country. There's no conspiracy happening here. Our society has been holding out for the benefit of a small but noisy percentage and people are getting sick of it.

Especially considering that small but noisy percentage openly states they really only want their guns so that they can try to take over the US govt and take the right to vote from every US citizen, thus subjecting us all to some sort of psychopathic christian theocracy where we're all slaves to MAGA capitalism