Were the Beatles and rock and roll Communist plots to destroy Christian morality?

Were the Beatles and rock and roll Communist plots to destroy Christian morality?

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Christianity = jewry

nah they made music people enjoyed then one of the main guys went to america
and lo and behold he got shot

Why do Christians have such a huge victim complex? and why are they so prone to conspiratorial schizoid ways of thinking?

Would have been a lot better if he had just stayed behind and gotten minced by some voodoo niggers. Man, you've really got some niggers. Not even partially white, partially modern niggers. You've got the darkest, blackest souls of the deepest jungles of Africa. You've got bone-in-nose, blue-hued, loincloth-clad, witch doctor, necklacing niggers. You've got niggers who had never been contacted by the white man until they arrived in London with a dead chicken in one hand and a shrunken head in the other hand. You've got the kind of niggers that have those bulging, jaundiced eyes that always come with an AK-47. You've got some real, 100% authentic NIGGERS.

Yes, a lot of it anyway.
Just read the text of "sympathy for the devil" from rolling stones. That is pretty straight forward about its author, not some kind of joke or artistic expression.

Lennon = Lenin

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It’s their brains trying to escape the institutionalized cognitive dissonance.

>Were the Beatles and rock and roll Communist plots

no. if anything the rock n roll dream is to buy a mansion in the country and drive a rolls royce

>destroy Christian morality

was long dead before any of The Beatles were even born

not reading this paragraph

sorry lifes too short

and you're too mutt to take seriously

Americans in the 19th century largely had sympathy for the devil though. They didn't see him as the ultimate evil, but as more of a tragic hero who followed through on his conviction to overthrow a tyrant, even though the odds were impossible. Christfags in the middle ages viewed Satan as a flying dragon that burned villages of sinners, not as the embodiment of sin. Only modern christcucks think Satan is the ultimate evil. And yes, that deserves mockery and subversion. The ultimate evil is the Jews and their god, Yahweh, who is also the god of christfags. Christfags are already on the way out of white countries. Anything to speed this up is based

You need help for having a weird obsession with niggers I don’t think about non whites that much you’re weird bro touch grass

Cope. You have niggers.

mutt mutt nigger nigger

mutt mutt mutt nigger

lol ur a zoome

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I don't think the style of music itself was. There is music in the same style (guitar, bass, drums, riffs, bombastic in character) made today that is a lot more somber and usually darker in subject matter, because that's the general mood of white people in the last decade or two.

But the lyrics of "classic" rock & roll, as well as the beatles, is pure degeneracy. It's no different than the nigger rap today, it's all about sex and drugs. Literally every rock and roll hit song was sex and/or drugs. Shameless. Boomers began the decline in conjunction with the kikes, one could not have succeeded without the other.

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I'm the one with the obsession? I just described the people that the bong loves enough to bring in millions of them. Bongland has niggers. I'm not the one who voted to put them there. Although if I could, I'd vote all of our niggers away to bongland. They've left them here long enough. It's time to take them back.

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niggers, beans, concrete, JUST

that's you.

No, but these two Leftist cunts who were standing up in front of me at a Paul McCartney concert last month at Fenway Park made me want to lose my Christian morality. Stupid bitches should have stayed sitting down instead of blocking the goddamned view.

Who cares about niggers

ayo stfu lil mutt nigger biytch