All these games do is normalize mass shootings and violence, kids grow up playing these games as young as 5 years old and they are essentially grooming mass shooters.

Games like Grand Auto Theft And Call to duty need to be banned immediately. This is the only true solution to mass shootings in America. Lay down the controller and stop teaching your kids to fantasize about killing.

Attached: 6EB4FFFE-6E9E-41B6-AF20-224D1F3F9FF1.jpg (1200x800, 101.19K)

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Mass shooters create violent video games

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 47.86K)

or just ban guns

suck my cock

Better yet, punish the lazy parents who ignore both the rating system and their child.

without video games, americans would form regulated militias and would want to be violent in reality instead of a jewish video game.

Attached: WiseBeaver.png (915x1161, 474.2K)

The vast majority of people who play these games don't become mass shooters.

Okay, boomer.

I agree and have said this for years.

Can you prove your statement?

All shooters play video games though

these games sell tenso f millions of copies

Violent movies are 10X worse why no blame? Oh Jews and movies right?

And stop putting kids on psychoactive drugs and teaching them boys can be girls and vice versa.


the movie and vidya industry jews are the same jews that claim movies and vidy- oh who the fuck are we fooling, EVERYBODY KNOWS.

fuck off faggot

we had this narrative here in the early 2000s... at one point it became a billion dollar industry... but it was cute i remember as a kid seeing boomers discussing quake3 on national tv

unironically fed groomers make mass shooters. some fed tried to groom me but she wasn't quite my type plus i lied to her all the time. eventually told her i thought she was a fed and then ghosted her but she tries to get back in touch with me from time to time.
>inb4 schizo
maybe, but i don't think so. fuck feds, get a real job you dumb faggots.

Hey Jack
Then how come I've never murdered anyone irl, and have played the GTA games for 20 years since I was 11 years old? Your arguments are retarded and not valid.

They seem like real American heroes to me.

>All shooters play video games though
Everyone born in the past 40 years played videogames.

this was spotted near the Chicago parade.

Attached: 1636717067330.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

I grew up with mortal kombat and gta and drew violent comics/cartoons and never wanted to actually do anything like that. I blame drugs like benzos. maybe if I was blacked out on benzos or had my mind fried by ssris I would have done something fucked up because the line between reality and fiction is blurred, but I don't know because I wasn't doing those. just my theory because I'm one of those kids that grew up with the most violent of video games from as early as preschool (older brother got me the games.) never wanted to actually kill anyone even when I didn't even fully realize the implications of death as a toddler, and as I got older it was for more selfish reasons like I didn't want to go to prison/hell, and then finally realized the permanence of death and how it affects others and causes so much pain.

Its the opposite video games probably is the outlet for some of these dudes