While you're trying to make Robert Crimo "Political"

He took photos or did things that made him look like a Trump supporter.

He had tattoos and joined causes which were aligned with SOCIALISM and ANTIFA.

He also had FACE tattoos, dressed in different styles, and sought attention beyond a normal person.

We're talking classic BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER and HISTRIONICS while you fucking Faggots are trying to make him "political", He HAD no politics, he was fucking crazy.

Tats, hair color changes, outfits, crazy ramblings, always seeking attention, doesn't know which "group" to align with. It's right in front of you Morons but you're too stupid to see the obvious. That another person with a fucked personality went off the deep end, and they're going to use this to bolster MORE laws for taking guns.

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Other urls found in this thread:


he did it because he was angry about gas prices and inflation

he's a communist kike and you know it.

Isn’t that the typical zoomer thing? Cycle through fifteen different political identities in two years?

I can't bring myself to give a shit about shootings anymore. Some fag killed some other fags, who cares

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Angry leftist that hates america. Also antifa.

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Could just be some retarded zoomer SoundCloud rapper that became turbed schizo after too too much LSD and adderal

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Probably more so since our society is breeding more "Men" with personality disorders. But it's not the norm. This guy had ALL the signs of someone with extreme BPD/Histrionics/Narcissism and "Dark Triad" thinking.

*After too much dxm and caffeine pills
Many such cases

Why would DJ Quall do this?????

>He also had FACE tattoos, dressed in different styles, and sought attention beyond a normal person.
cmon now
we all KNOW he was a die-hard Trump supporter (if the powers that be want him to be) and we're all going to jail. lol.
hope you packed a lunch! lol
they have hundreds of patriots in jail and prison.
or did you forget that?
remember when fox news backpeddled and threw them ALL under the bus? lol, for about a year?
go back to GAB, faggot, if you can't stand the HEAT

>Angry leftist that hates america. Also antifa.

And he also flashed Trump stuff. BPD, all the way. He HAD no 'politics'. He had BPD. They don't "believe" in anything.

Why are we not talking about the state of "Men" in America and their mental states being broken down?


Rose tattoo. Trump supporter. Really?

>Trump supporters strike again kill all right wingers!
>Shooter was actually an antifa faggot

He was a guy with rage and BPD who used "politics" as a gateway for his anger. He didn't care ONE BIT about any of it.

He was a Narcissist, with BPD, and Histrionic traits.

That’s post modernism for you. When you tear down all social norms what do you expect will happen? If men can be women and women, men, you have broken the very foundations of reality. Now anything goes. Evils deeds can be good and good, evil. This is what “progress” has given us.

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Ban this fucking bot REEEEEEEEEE

Nice try leftypol

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maximum damage control is when they start spamming copypastas

OP, you're right. But what matters to most people isn't the abstract truth of the matter, it's these more base representations;
"he's your guy!"
"no, he's yours!"

This is what actually matters. Progressives already understand this and play this game yet here you are playing Ben Shapiro on Any Forums. Just start digging and spreading advantageous propaganda already bro.