So what's going to happen in Canada this fall?

So what's going to happen in Canada this fall?

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>So what's going to happen in Canada this fall?

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Never got the first one so whatever.

Link to article plz

Expect a big push for lockdowns again. Travel restrictions, mask mandates, etc

We’re rounding up politicians and giving them as many boosters as it takes

Mandates being pushed back again, since Liberal party is now a COVID variant.

Thanks user

who cares? life as a dissident has never been better. Canada, Canadian, and by extension their government, are complete pussies

we hang this faggot, in minecraft.

0 shots btw, never getting one.

also boomers are really mad, some even said they had 2 shots and that's it. no one will tolerate this faggotry.

>So what's going to happen in Canada this fall?
I'm still going to be unvaccinated.

Unseasonably cold weather causing a rash of heart-related complications.

No problem, here's the portion of the 51 minute interview.
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of

If you got the jew jab, you're a nigger. Simple as.

You didn't actually think they would let this go did you?

not gonna take them

>who cares? life as a dissident has never been better. Canada, Canadian, and by extension their government, are complete pussies
I am a dissenter. I would say the government overplayed its hand. Everyone who didn't break isn't going to suddenly turn around and break. The crackdown only made people network.
The resistance is real and it is networking now.
It isn't violent yet but the government will cross that line first

Looks like Duclos is taking over the U.S.A's abortion regiment every 9 months.

>the government will cross that line first
As far as I'm concerned, they crossed the "no violence" line when they trampled the protestors with horses and beat them with rifle butts.