Cant afford anything. Paid just enough to get back to work

Why do we allow this system to continue. It's literally bullshit

Attached: 4yjesiaykp851.jpg (640x772, 73.68K)

lol this guy is like me

its slavery, the only reason we allow it is fear. if one person lashes out against it, theyre killed. if 100 people lash out, it's a 'strike', it would take the whole country and that's not happening.

Think this guy is dead. Pretty sure that's blood he pukes

don't work and leech the state like a nigger, how difficult is that?

YOU allow this system to continue FAGGOT

>glass gatorade bottle
Yeah this guy 100% is dead by now

< work expert
stop tax paying and go to the real work = kill all leaders

I work online and moved to Georgia (the country) for low cost quality of life and high quality food/living. Tax here is 1%, and USA allows $108,700 (for 2022) in tax exemption on foreign work. With the money in rent/food im saving, i'm actually gonna be able to buy a house in USA if I ever go back.

Not necessarily
Was the late 80s and early 90s. He looks I his late 20s

So he would be pushing 60

Explain...what do you do

Backend ruby rails dev.

Yep, I can't fathom people living paycheck to paycheck. my plan is to continue living rent-free with mom and dad until I can afford a comfy living arrangement outright. People, both poor and middle class, are out there working 40+ hours a week and barely making ends meet. That sounds way too stressful of a life for me.

My house is already paid off at 24 because I started working as a software engineer at 20 and my boyfriend is in IT, really wasn't hard at all with our incomes. Maybe you should go prison gay.

>glass gatorade bottle
Damn, haven't seen those since I was a kid.

now that the house is paid off you should repent and stop sodomizing each other

Also my fursuit probably cost more than your car lol

just work for yourself, there's a thousand ways to earn a lot of money in America

He was already vomiting blood in his late 20's. He ain't pushing anything but worm farts

That pic is from the 70's lol. People were suffering and realizing everything is a lie/scam before I even got here. Awesome.

Sodomites are disease super spreaders and a threat to civil society. It's such a disgusting way to live. I can't imagine having feces involved in a sexual act. It's most def a mental illness.

by your logic, sex should only be for reproduction. it's a disgusting way to live to have to use condoms, birth control pills, or outright vasectomy to enjoy intimacy!

Life is going to happen and you are going to get derailed just like everyone else. You could get fired, or sick, or your car breaks down, exe, and all your plans will go right down the shitter. If you want to really be prepared, learn how to earn for yourself. Learn the basic of running a company. Best you can do is be self employed. Everyone that breaks out of the system does by operating on the fringe.

If you think I don't have how promiscuous and noncommittal the fag scene is you're mistaken and it's not hard to clean your ass out. If you tried tickling your prostate you'd be singing a much different tune.

Pls address the feces part of sodomites sex acts because it's a major factor in mental illness.


Just do whatever you want until you run out of resources, then get revenge on society for ruining your life.
its the standard procedure. I plan on NEETing off of my parents until I'm 45 and then installing minecraft

It’s from the late 80s or early 90s like another user posted earlier.

man up. sometimes sex with women involves blood and, yes, small amount of fecal matter could be there with anal sex (both male and female). It's all par the course.

this, explain yourself faggot

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Do you stick objects in every hole you have access to? Also sodomites aren't so called cleaning their asses that have a feces fetish. Also it seems like you're willing to destroy your anus for so called sexual pleasure.