Apple changed strlcpy

Thus while the code works on Linux, Windows, Grsecurity-Linux, BSD, and old OSX.

New compiles where strlcpy is used do not work and are crashed via "you're not allowed to do that" errors.

strlcpy(texture->name, name, sizeof(texture->name));


So since this coding style is all throughout the entire darkplaces code base: as it is C and not APPLEC. There is no fucking way I can actually "fix" this program to run, that I know of.

Once a strlcpy(texture->name, name, sizeof(texture->name)); occurs: there is a crash (intentional, not a segfault etc).
And if hack is used to "protect" that code: then the ACCESS VIOLATION occurs later in the code. Forever and ever.

So I cannot make a new darkplaces binary on OSX no matter what I do (the binary runs, but errors out once you use strlcpy now (old binaries compiled for apple in 2012 still run: it's just new compiles that don't work properly because of Apple's underlying code changes: the engine is exactly the same in these areas and the engine code has been the same for 15 years). Because Apple changed what the C programming language is.

They deserve assasins sent after them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

First the "error" occurs in
>qboolean Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(texture_t *texture, const char *name, qboolean warnmissing, qboolean fallback, int defaulttexflags)

qboolean Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(texture_t *texture, const char *name, qboolean warnmissing, qboolean fallback, int defaulttexflags)
int j;
int texflagsmask, texflagsor;
qboolean success = true;
q3shaderinfo_t *shader;
if (!name)
name = "";
strlcpy(texture->name, name, sizeof(texture->name));
shader = name[0] ? Mod_LookupQ3Shader(name) : NULL;

At the: strlcpy(texture->name, name, sizeof(texture->name));

Then when you "fix" that: it moves to another similar type of code, but this time in an if conditional.

There is NO way to "fix" this without reprogramming the ENTIRE codebase that uses strlcpy in something other than "lordhavoc's" "style"

And the Code is blaimed for not being "forward thinking enough".

SO there never will be wolfenstine : enemy territory loading on OSX in darkplaces: because there is absolutly no way to get strlcpy to work as it does in Linux and Windows on OSX

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Then we're told
>Well uhhhhhm there is no standard strlcpy so Apple can do what it wants, kthxby

And yet BSD, Linux, windows, Grsecurity-Linux on it's most stringent setting, all have no problem with the code. Nor did old OSX the last time this was compiled in 2012.

>Can't you just include your own strlcpy and override the native one?

Darkplaces stopped chasing that dragon and dropped support for OSX years ago. And I'm not knowlegable enough to know exactly what to do. I do see macros in the C that do things like that. But the apple kernel is giving access violations etc etc.

>Apple doesnt give a fuck about you or your software
>This shouldn't be news to you

Ukrainians didn't give a fuck about Russia.
Now they do.
Guess why.

Apple fucking with our language, C, and subtley breaking things the BSD guys, including OpenBSD guys, came up with is an attack on us.

And they should be killed for it. They know what they're doing.

>Can you make your own strlcpy_fix that works properly, and then #define strlcpy strlcpy_fix inside an #ifdef that detects OSX?

For other problems that's exactly what darkplaces used to do. But eventually they just quit. It became too much. I see these things in the macros. At that time it didn't extend all the way to strlcpy (but other things similar).

There are other memory violations apple seems to enforce just to lock in developers.
That they didn't in 2012.

I don't know all the "gotchas" and tricks so don't know what to do. Also you have to detect different versions of OSX for different fixes.

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Note: Current darkplaces have not changed their code either (you can see on etc). So they don't see what mac people say is "bugged code" as bugged.

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>As punishment for /gpol/ we now have /polg/

Transfaggots keep banning the discussion from Any Forums

>Since "strlcpy buffer overlap" returns millions of hits going back years, I'm going to assume this is one of those fake and gay trolls that Any Forums is "expert" at.

That was "fixed" for OSX(by checking if the variable was filled) ; and then the "error" moved to another section of code. It's just a change apple made; the next section of code was using the fact if the variable was or was not set to decide if it should go down a codepath (so the "error" by apples standard; was now in an if conditional).

It's just not fixable. Apple rewrote C and made it another language. Embrace, fuck up, extinguish.

They should be shot.
Fucking faggots and trans dick chopper fags.

C is ours. Not theirs.
It's not theirs to fuck up our old code.
They need to be killed.
As all faggots and transfucks do.
(And Russians are doing it)

Attached: 198.png (300x100, 17.32K)

told you apple sucks

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i think you could try to macro strlcpy into some other function actually

maybe you just need to define it after all the apple-specific libs are loaded?

What do you think.

>why dont u just change the lines of code and recompile it with a old CLAN mac OS on something cheap like a mac mini? or u can just program something useful for once in ur mother fucking life faget

I bought a mac-mini from 2011. It has High Sierria on it. It costed 69 dollars.

I got it 2 compile dis shit on it, my coloured friend.
I asked the Indian(from india) server at the resturant if he had problems like this on mac before: he said not usually but once he did indeed hit into these problems compiling on mac.

For Linux and Win etc OpenBSD's strlcpy is included in common.c of darkplaces. Works fine.
However that's idef'd out for all BSDs, including OSX specifically: because they have their own.

Now: in mac I am getting these memory errors: and the kernel not allowing things: with the new build. The 2012 OSX binary, which is almost exactly the same code, and is the same code for these areas, still works.

What is going on?
Well whatever the underlying code was back then was compiled into the binary.

And that has changed on OSX.
From 2012 to High Sierra

Attached: screenshotdesktop.jpg (1920x1080, 561.71K)

that way it could define something_else() as strlcpy() or whatever.
something else that could be a copy-paste of GNU C

idk, never done it, but it might work i think

nice blog post nerd, go masturbate to more hentai on G faggot

>i think you could try to macro strlcpy into some other function actually

Well it seems like a whole "coding style" has been banned by Apple, as if a hack to "fix" the first strlcpy "problem" is put in: then the same type of error occurs later at a conditional:

(model_shared.c line 3161, or thereabouts)
And the code there is now:
> else if (!(texture->skinframes[j] = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(primarylayer->texturename[j], (primarylayer->texflags & texflagsmask) | texflagsor, false)))

It's not a strlcpy here, but it's the same "style" of C code. Not "safe" enough apparently?
But it works fine on the strictest memsafe grsecurity-linux kernel build you can buy (or make).

>told you apple sucks
I never doubted you.
I told the mac user on Any Forums that I would NOT make an apple binary because they are all fag-supporting trannyfaggots and their shit is so expensive, unless I found a mac for like 50 dollars.

But I did then find one for 69 dollars: which is "like 50 dollars" to a reasonable man.
So I try to make good on my statement.

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>what is static linking

It can be defined, as common.c and common.h in the darkplaces sourcecode do (it has to be included for linux, windows, etc).

But for OSX first you would have to copy them again, then name them something else as to not conflict with apples strlcpy, and then idef strlcpy to strlcpy_real_on_from_openbsd; and yes that could be done.

However I don't have faith that that would fix the issue: as it is the kernel itself on OSX sending ABORTs to the process: and not only on strlcpy; but on other similar "style" code like this:

(model_shared.c line 3161, or thereabouts)
And the code there is now:
> else if (!(texture->skinframes[j] = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(primarylayer->texturename[j], (primarylayer->texflags & texflagsmask) | texflagsor, false)))

Apple doesn't like how memory is used or copied in this style of C it seems (and note: it is not a executable stack or anything like that: this runs fine under grsecurity-linux patched kernels (you know the one violating the GPL and getting mad fucking $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ by restricting redistribution of their non-seperable derivative work subject to the linux-kernel copyright (and also GCC as they distribute a GCC "plugin" that you cannot redistribute either).
So we know it's not that.

Who cares faggot tons of people have got this to work get your terrible code out of here no one cares

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sadly, what you wrote means its way above my paygrade
you would need a macos-whisperer to fix that

coding on mac is a nightmare once you get out of the most basic stuff.
i keep telling everybody.
sorry i cant help more. have a bump.

>>what is static linking

That' won't help when Apple subverted the entire build chain. You still get their shit code from somewhere. And then their kernel shuts you down too.

The old OSX build built on 2012 mac in 2012 still works. The code is the same in these areas of the engine. If you built that old code now it would have the same problem.

They changed the sand beneath us.
We added an additional map type you can load (Wolfenstine Enemy Territory). But cannot give this ability to Mac Users because of Apple's changes. Apple devs tell us to get fucked.

LibSDL linux devs were helping but then banned us when we discovered the issue was not with this engine's code but with apples changes.
They were angry when we said Apple people should be assasinated.
The discord mod then said "if you suggest violence ever again I will ban you, and require registration to enter this server and not let anyone join"
We said "we don't care, we'll just hack your server"

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>Who cares faggot tons of people have got this to work get your terrible code out of here no one cares

It's not my code, retard, it's ID software's code and Lord "Forest Hale"'s Code and John Carmack's code.

I assure you: it's not "shit code" you fucking dipshit. Do you even know who ID software is? John Carmack?

They didn't write "SHIT CODE".
This code worked for 30 fucking years.
Now it doesn't. And you blaim the code?
You blaim me?
It wasn't the code that changed dip fucking shit.
Check the git and svn histories of Darkplaces engine. That code has been EXACTLY THE SAME for DECADE.

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You again, OP.
I admire your energy. I would've given up right away.

>Who cares faggot tons of people have got this to work get your terrible code out of here no one cares

Say it to my fucking face.
Say it to my face.
Comon dip fucking shit.
Come here and say it to my FUCKING FACE.
You piece of fucking shit.

This code has worked fine for DECADES.
It hasn't changed.
Go to the files I mentioned. models_shared.c
You there, fucking DIPSHIT.
Check the logs.
Same code forever.

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also, i do believe its a non-standard function, so you cant really blame them GDB of Sig Abort once asked to load a
map from OSX kernel printfs to standard out were commented
out, but still sig abort from kernel

(lldb) print texture->name
(char [64]) $0 = "textures/common/caulk"
(lldb) print name
(const char *) $1 = 0x0000000107c770c8 "textures/common/caulk"

Note: Those are correct values; so it isn't anything in the darkplaces code that is wrong.
Darkplaces worked fine on EVERY FUCKING THING for 2 DECADES.


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>also, i do believe its a non-standard function, so you cant really blame them

You're a white person aren't you. I can tell.
Strlcpy was created by OpenBSD. It's been around forever. THEIR implementation is the standard.


White people like you simply follow your rulers: homosexuals, especially transsexuals, and women; you do not understand creating structures and rules that YOU own.

When Apple takes long standing used functions: and then _SUBVERTS_ them to make old platform-agnostic code not work that once worked: and continually changes these things to force developers to choose Apple or Others: they are doing Embrace-FuckUp-Extinguish.

But you little white faggots have never heard about that; have you fags.

It is not their right. They know what they are doing; and they deserve to die. And so do you: for being a white faggot. And you will die when Russia invades.

Marry Little girls.

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Wow shocker apple purposely made old software incompatible on their OS. They literally do this all the time along with a million other scummy things like intentionally slowing down their phones whenever a new one comes out. The only retarded one here is you for using apple. Don't like it? Write your own OS faggot

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This thread was made by AI.