Just how fucked are millennials?

Just how fucked are millennials?

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Joe Biden will fix it....whoops nevermind

>108k worth of debt for a degree that will land you no job
not fucked enough

That PhD in Gender Representation in Popular Music ain’t paying off like she thought it would, huh?

you don't have to pay back student loans.
They can only legally garnish you wages if your income is in the top 20% (500k a year)

their parents told them to do this. make boomers pay for it. these stupid kids go to college because they're told to or they'll be stuck at mcdonalds or a warehouse and then they see warehouse workers buying homes just around the time that they're graduating with a mortgage sized loan they have to pay. the cost of college would be almost nothing if boomers didn't shill it so hard.

Just eat rice and beans you'll be out of debt in no time

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lol lmao just dont pay it, who the fuck cares, there are no debtors prisons

>they'll sue me
don't show up

>they'll subpeona me
don't show up

>they'll call and harass me
don't answer, don't respond, change your number

>but I feel bad
yes kikes need as much sympathy as you can offer goy

>you took out a loan, pay it back
no, I was made to take out a loan to participate in society. Every hiring manager on earth can agree to not accept degrees tomorrow. They chose not to, despite it being obvious that degrees don't prep you at all. Including for engineering and medicine. Sorry not sorry.

>but they'll set up debtors prisons
flee the country or picrel

>you're a commie
nope, as right wing as it gets.

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> Just how fucked are millennials?
pretty fucked. i imagine things will get really, really dark about 20-25 years from now when millenials who should have been entering retirement age realize they can't retire to maintain X lifestyle, no assets, no children to take care of them, etc.
i can just imagine tons of suicides, mass shootings, public deaths, etc. from crazed 60-something-year-old millennials just absolutely losing it and freaking out because they have no escape plan.
we've seen what goes wrong to disenfranchised weirdo wHiTe MeN in their teens and 20s. things will hit the fucking fan when it's 60+ year olds doing shit with LITERALLY nothing to lose.

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I think the single greatest conversation a high school guidance counsellor or admissions representative could ever have with these 16-19 year old candidates would be to really question their decision.

"Are you SURE you want to spend $200,000 for a Masters Degree in Game of Thrones Feminist History? What job will that qualify you for?"

That's why you need more inmigrants

>they'll shoot you

Extremely based. I hope you have a good day

I mean she could go into retail management because they eat shit like that up and have her a comfy job paying 60k+ a year

Pretty good, I’m a 31 year old millennial who owns his own house, nice cars and no school debt. My only regret is that I’m a single father too (full custody)

>high school guidance counselor
i graduated in 2007 and we didn't even have these lol.
> admissions representative
admissions staff at the low-level (i.e., on-campus recruitment and outreach) don't care about your major. the fact that you end up making money doesn't impact their job review/performance--just that you apply and enroll.


That's only like $500 to $800 in loan payments.

bro he looks like his only life skills is smoking dick for money (bitch shit like making coffee). im 31 and my degree was shit but I went into the trades and make okay money, don't have anywhere near his loans though. if you get to 35-40 and have no jobskills its not your degrees fault

I feel for murricans. In my country people actively get paid by the gubbermint for going to school. I did my bachelor 4 year getting paid quite nicely for all cost every month, even had a few hundred euros to spare for random shit. I think I had 20k "debt" that disappeared automatically once I got my degree. I think it's actually a smart move. Government and the country loses 25k on you, but you get a high paying job and pay more taxes so in the end its a win/win situation

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Fellow class of 2007 fren also didn't have a guidance counselor

yeah its because amerislaves are the slaves of zog and your just some zog satrapy once america collapses your socialist utopia is gonna collapse once you have to pay for your own military infastructure and can't just pick up lootcrates of american bullets, missiles, etc.

I predict a wave of millennial suicides as more enter their 40s and have nothing but debt.

Meesta Mcdonald, garnish 'is wages!

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we are dealing with something indescribable

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Oh, please. This member of 'Generation Look-At-Me' lives in a bus because he saw it on TikTok.

Sitting on an IT hiring committee, every single position has been "college degree or equivalent experience". You could've taken the 4 years of college and instead built a home lab that would've been more impressive. And nobody outside of Wall Street firms give a shit which university you went to, instead of $100k in debt you could've gone to a community collage for a fraction of the cost. And you sure as hell don't go into 6-figure debt unless you're studying to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer - all you retards who got a degree in communications just made yourselves better-spoken to say "do you want fries with that?" But congrats on turning yourself into an indentured servant.

Damn I don't have that much debt and I have a 2800 sq ft home and 3 vehicles. I wonder what she studied. Haha retarded bitch

unironically this.
i did this while going to school and graduated debt free.

Tradies, did we win? Are we going to make it?