Can anyone actually name something wrong with background checks?

Can anyone actually name something wrong with background checks?

Attached: horse.webm (960x1386, 1.1M)

>Can anyone actually name something wrong with background checks?
Yes: leftists and non-whites aren't automatically rejected.

Post your name and DOB so we can see what shit you’ve been up to.

Yeah. I wouldn’t pass one.

>the government runs a database of wether you can get your constitutional rights

NY just passed a bill demanding 3 years of social media history showing you have “good moral character” in order to enjoy your constitutional rights.

>something wrong with background checks
except the DOJ being the niggers that they are, is violating the law and creating a backdoor registry

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-04 at 16-29-57 ATF keeping database of nearly 1-billion records of gun sales.png (863x996, 754.17K)

Violation of privacy and used as an excuse to deny rights without due process.

I don't believe in you

We already have them, could you explain what is insufficient with the current ones?

>also including, as dicta, that the right is not unlimited and does not preclude the existence of certain long-standing prohibitions such as those forbidding "the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill" or restrictions on "the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons"

that's why she ended up in a wheelchair in the first place

Shall not be infringed.

teenaged incels dont have a criminal record and it wouldn't stop them

Requiring a female that isnt your mom to sign for your purchase would stop stop more mass shootings than background checks

If someone's background shows that they are a threat to society then they should be locked up. Lock them up instead of making it everyone else's problem. Or fuck off.

>you just know

Also yes, depending on the information and scope of what they want recorded and filed on you to "check".
Meanwhile, cali just dropped a whole detailed list of concealed carry holders so they can be attacked easily. And no one batted an eye.

You just know

Black people wouldn’t be able to legally acquire guns and that would be racist :(

Ypu just know, why she is in that wheelchair.

This is why you should make all sales and purchases private.

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did the horsecock put her in a wheelchair

you just know (why she's now in a wheelchair)

The government has no legitimate authority to investigate you except on reasonable cause. Wanting to exercise a right is not reasonable cause.
The government has no legitimate authority to strip anyone of their rights except through a court of law.
Anyone enforcing or conspiring to enforce any such laws are engaged in seditious conspiracy (a federal crime) and those who use violence to enforce such laws are engaged in insurrection (a federal crime).

it's a form of pre-crime and you're being punished for something you haven't done

They’re gay

the vax, right? It was the vaxine

Imagine getting paralyzed when a horse throws you off and when you recover and wheel over to him you want to hug him.
This is womyn for you. Get a good look at it, get used to it.

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Yeah check this out
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Read those last four words.

>can't get a gun until we clear you
>yeah yeah we'll get around to clearing you eventually

You can’t read the last four words of a sentence without taking the entire sentence into context. Which militia are you joining?

>You just know...

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Dude that's not cool cultural appropriation is fucked up, crime is black people's thing

What's the deal with white women taking horse cock?

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what part of grammar are you not in to?

Why do you think she's in the chair? Made sure that bitch couldn't walk.

Constitution: "no"

>Can anyone actually name something wrong with background checks?
Same reason the no-fly list is a failure and a joke. Anyway anyone that is not currently in jail or on probation/bail should be able to use all their constitutional rights. Those people that are barred have their own legal obligations that stop them.

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Mine. Everyone is invited, we meet once a year on the 31st of September, call ahead to reserve a chair. Feds, please check in at the side gate. Coleslaw will be served. Music will follow.

Good horse. Also, they can be used as instruments to prevent anyone from being able to purchase, sell, trade or import firearms. It's the classic case of give the government an inch, they'll take a mile and bury that many peoples rights underneath it. The second you add on an adendum to an amendment, it's instantly an attack on your rights and should be considered illegitimate.

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horsecock put her in a wheelchair

To own heckin chuds, fellow troon.

Horse cocks are no joke.

I'd lump in Voter ID into that as well