How’s your Independence Day going bros?

>t. alone getting drunk

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Just making an acoustic right now. Gonna drink some Jameson 18 in the evening.

Work on your chakras drunktard

Happy 4th of July my friend

I alone and wasted too.. later I will have a bottle rocket war with my crazy neighbors. The alcohol will save me from all pain and injury

I have 37 cents to my name until payday in two days. Nothing but a half block of cheese and ketchup in the fridge. Spending today sober, watching old movies. Dry weather has a fireworks ban and I had to cancel a family gathering because I don't have the money for gas and don't want to admit that to them. Will be a long day for me today haha

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this is the most american post I have seen in some time

>I alone and wasted too.. later I will have a bottle rocket war with my crazy neighbors
yeah okay

Yard pops and tequila shots, frens.

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just lamenting the current state of the country, hard to be in good spirits. gonna go visit my pop in the evening though, grill some steaks and drink some beer so that should be fun

Caught the flu but not the rona, still feeling miserable.

Anyways happy independence day

I am severely depressed and have been laying in bed for the past four days.

i’m just going to vidya all day :/

Based bottle rocket war enjoyer.

also alone, and shitposting on Any Forums. Considering playing some vidya, perhaps getting drunk later tonight. Just recently discovered malt liquor, it's rather pleasant.

On a side note I made pic relateds ( )crypto and am airdropping it after the 15th.

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American here posting under VPN:

My independence day is great. Woke up in the morning and first thing i did was to suck of my husband’s BBC (we did fag marriage).
Just ate 5 DiabtetUS Burger™ at McD.
Now on my way to a Social Justice BLM rallye, gonna loot some stores later. Maybe do a mass shooting in an elementary school - it‘s the 4th after all!

Can hardly wait for my new BidenBucks Social Security cheque. I heckin love my Government and i do love even more our greatest ally, the Jews!

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went to the park with the other families like i do every saturday. not sure why you fags don't just an hero.

I got a small chuckle out of that. Thanks Hans.

Kids are taking a nap, about to rest a bit myself before getting back out in this damned humid heat. Looking forward to the gunshots and fireworks later, of course!

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Put the jew poison down ser.

I'm going to go get McDonald's.

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Eating a breakfast burrito.

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All alone too. At least we have other Any Forums frogs.

happy thanksgiving mutts

What state?