Why would any sane person want to live in a city

Why would any sane person want to live in a city

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Everything is near, i just need to walk 2 minutes from my apartment to get to a shop.

I enjoy being recognized as an interesting and successful man while existing in a large and highly competitive group of other men.
Young women leave the rural areas to go experience cities while they go to college, and so the opportunities are endless for hooking up

Massive cope.. Imagine rasing a family in a dirty, over crowded box of a house. But But i can walk to the shop

They are for weak faggots obsessed with convenience and a desire to eat outlandish food.

>Why would any sane person want to live in a city
As they are, I don't want to. As they could be, I would prefer it.

live in a market town, problem solved.
5 mins from the shop 5 mins from rural nature

they are fucking horrible i even in Canada they violent as shit. we had a mass shooting and people being pushed in front of trains and just fucking ass holes you have to deal with. its not worth it.

Because they are dependent on multiple systems of the city and have learned helplessness so they don't even know where to start to ween themselves off them and become an actual human.

Not every country is full of shitskins like the US and UK

I never understood this argument I grew up in rural area everyone shops at Wally world just like suburbanites. I don't know where people get this idea rural=off grid homestead

Extroverts like it. They are energized by being around other people. It's most of the population. So they herd together in cities.
Cities have " More to do! " according to them because they need other people to entertain them and the more the better. They're herd animals.
Introverts don't like the cities.

I like people, and restaurants, and tall buildings

I rest my case.

>heckin hustle and bustle of le big city!

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One of the biggest aspects for me is thibgs to do after 10pm. I am always awake at night and having a view of city lights and knowing there are things to do as opposed to being alone in a void is important to me.

>muh heckin city lights

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>Cities have " More to do! " according to them because they need other people to entertain them and the more the better.
>One of the biggest aspects for me is thibgs to do after 10pm. I am always awake at night and having a view of city lights and knowing there are things to do
I like to look at the stars at night and listen to the wind.

City fags are fucking delusional

They have this romantic idea of the city that does not reflect their reality at all. In their head, they see neon street lights reflecting off their steering wheel while they cruise along on a cool night listening to chill music, they see cultures melting together to create something new, they see a bit of "edge" to the big city, knowing there is there is this peripheral danger that gives them a sense of being "tough" to deal with it.

In reality, it's dirty, smelly, filled with fucking morons, overpriced and loud. It's a rat maze for people.

Cities are for people who want to live in a permanent state of adolescence.

Because I'm not a peasant, du Bauer

Same thing for my village. A bakery, a butcher shop, even a small supermarket, all within walking distance. And less expensive than in cities.

Why would any insane serial killer want to live outside of a city? Checkmate chud.

City life is excellent.
Please stay in the city fellow urbanites, you are not missing out on anything by not going to rural areas or God forbid the cool, quiet forests.

This. Please stay in the city. Rural life completely sucks and you'll hate it here. You don't want to be here.

They would hate it though.
They need PEOPLE and they ALWAYS say they need " things to do ". Yea. Involving other people. The extroverted will look at the most gorgeous sunset over the wheat field you've ever seen and say " I'm fucking bored there's nothing to do. ".

Strange animals fly in the night, big spiders. Stay safe in the city

Exactly, you are a faggot.

Look at the stars, do you know them all off by heart and how they change with the seasons? Can you find north using the stars? No? Spend more time looking at the stars then. 24/7 shops selling goyslop is no replacement for the stars

Because of the hustle and bustle of big diverse cities full of young youths.