100 Yr Old WW2 Vet Cries Because America is Gone

Zogbot fought for the wrong side and gave his country to the Jews who deliberately destroyed it out of spite. Hitler tried to save us.


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This world is the second most spiritually hideous place in all of reality...

your mirror is the first?

Another government sponsored demoralization thread brought to you monsanto, eat the bugs, you deserve it!

At least some boomers realized just how much they fucked up fighting Germans. Ones like Patton were killed for it. Most just accept that they lived a great life and pretend it was everyone else's fault. To he fair to boomers though, the jewification of the USA started before WW2, but they had a real opportunity to say no to it and instead went along with it. Fuck them.

Holy shit how many fuckin times are you gonna make the same fuckin thread

Poor lil zogbot, your grandson tweaks at gay pride parades but atleast you don't speak German.

summer's here

All allied countries had volunteer soldiers for Hitler.
These zogbot faggots have no excuse and deserve to rot in hell gor their crime of betraying their race for jews

>b-but muh Basepilled grandp-ACK

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>fighting germans
oh my god are you retarded

>100 Yr Old WW2 Vet Cries Because America is Gone
good. fuck him. its a new generation, new age, the world no longer belongs to him.
>t. proud zoomer

Did he have a choice to fight or was he drafted?

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>t. Jew
Whatever, anyone that's old is a boomer

>"we havent got the country we got when i was raised, Not at all!" with terrified look on his face

good, fuck the "good ole days"

let him accept the new world or die in terror

Boomers were born between 1946 - 1964.

Boomer refers to the baby boomer post-WW2, you absolute fucking spastic. It's in the name.

Let me guess; younger than 25, wear glasses, have a zoomie haircut and never worked a hard day in your life? I guess I must be psychic!

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He's crying because of roe vs wade overturn Chud.

i love how the news edited out the part where he says he's talking about fascist Trump and the GOP.

Fuck this faggot

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kek spbp

>are rectum
It baffles me how americans are unable to write their own language properly.

>everyone older than me is a Boomer