“Race is skin deep”

Can someone explain the logic in this? How does the average person unironically believe this? What is the reasoning behind earnestly believing the only differences between a person of African descent and European descent is le skin color?

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Ignorance, stupidity, propaganda

>caiman islands
ok crocodile dundee

We don’t actually have any of those here

We wuz cro magnon

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I don't know how researchers who work on the field of bio-anthropology can live with the fact that they're huge cucks who won't admit that they know human population have significant disparities. They are supposed to bring knowledge and straight us lie to us.

they lose their work and salary, but yes they're cucks

They also believe that divergent evolution does not affect the brain.

People had have and will always have dearly held dogmas and as they either suffer from cognitive dissonance or delegate much of their thought to people are either very fanatical about those dogmas or suffer from even greater cognitive dissonance, they end up believing that nature, just by sheer coincidence, perfectly aligns with those dogmas in all cases.

What does a person from the cayman islands look like?

Think of the church in the middle ages and its persecution of Galileo. Think of lysenkoism in the ussr.
Dearly held unquestionable cults that the supposed guardians of knowledge defend tooth and nail while gaslighting the normies that blindly believe them cause they don't know any better. A power structure which justifies itself and encompasses everything.
No matte rhow the dogma is evidently contradictory to basic logic, no matter how much the yielded results differ from its tenets, you must go along with it or face consequences because the establishment of your place and time will come crushing you with all its weight.

It is crazy... their studies indicate the opposite of what they are forced to put in conclusions. lately there has been a big push to call everything human. H erectus is human, neander/denisova is human. They will change goal posts to make it PC. They will say the hobbits are humans too, just in case anyone is mixed with them... Austrolpiths will be humans too when pygmies are found to mix

Their former bragging about the inbredness of euros and asians and the 'great diversity' of africans just turned out to be 2-19% primitive hominin mixture, kek.

Attached: anthropology migration out of africa and mixture with hominins chart of mixture.jpg (1280x1263, 154.67K)

Because they can all breed together and have fertile offspring, they are infinitely more similar than they are different.

any more questions?

>any more questions
Yes, why do we divide other animals in subspecies, populations etc. if the exact same reasoning can apply to them as well?

I imagine a lot of those people plus historians, archaeologists, etc. feel guilty about having to shamefully go along with the narrative, but when your livelihood and reputation is at risk not many people feel brave enough to put it on the line, I.e. cuck out
About 20 years ago or so they were split between your average tanned White person living in a tropical climate and usual brown/black Caribbean people but with the massive influx of Jamaicans and other darkies also over the past 20 years now things are a lot darker and the only recognizably White people are pretty much all foreigners.
Yeah, that makes sense, the only difference is that now it’s amplified a thousand times over with the largest spanning, most malicious propaganda machine in human history that the average person in the developed world now relies entirely upon to be ‘in the know’, and the ‘dogma’ in question is being pumped out by people who have an explicit desire to see those affected by it destroyed, as opposed to wanting to keep in line with religious beliefs or something.

They are more similar but species isn't along those lines. Or only when it is convenient to you. Wolves and coyotes are not the same species although they can interbreed. Of course we are more similar but pretending we are all the same is silly.

There are significant differences in intelligence and behaviour between the races. It is useful to look at these things, and ignorant and brainwashed to ignore them. There are medical differences too. Are you aware that WMAF couples require cesaerean more often? In nature they would not produce much progeny.... The asian females are smaller than white males and so are teh pelvises...

We should celebrate our differences and not seek to rub out the diversity that exists. But discourage racemixing and encourage protection of human genetic biodiversity of all peoples.

Yes, the current dogma is both much more pervasive and more harmful than the past ones, which makes our current situation look particularly dire. However the means to question it can also be propagated to a larger amount of people in a shorter time, which was something that was not just possible when combating prior dogmas. You do not have to write 95 thesis nor organize clandestine meetings in some cellar anymore. And every time the establishment makes a mis-step it can't be swept under the rug so easily. There are definitely some advantages as well which is why people shouldn't give into despair so easily.

>Yes, why do we divide other animals in subspecies, populations etc.
Because other animals have more genetic variation than humans. Human DNA is too similar to split us into subspecies or races. Humans are relatively new and even Chimpanzees living in close proximity are substantially more different genetically than humans living on different continents.

it's called pilpul
gaslighting to us goyim

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always cherry-picked photos
show how some Europeans look like hobogoblins and neanderthals without care and nice clothes

Which other animals? Subspecies of wolves are less different from each other than, say, Pygmies and Aboriginals are. Do the boundaries to define "populations" or even "subspecies" arbitrarily shift whenever convenient?

No one in that pic was cherrypicked to be ugly, even the abo looks fairly normal lol. They are just good representatives of their races

>Wolves and coyotes are not the same species although they can interbreed. Of course we are more similar-
Yes Wolves and coyotes are vastly more different genetically than all humans beings.

>but pretending we are all the same is silly.
point is we are far more alike than we are different, you choose to focus on infinitesimally minor differences rather than overwhelming major similarity. If we use your logic we can divide even what you call individual "races" into subspecies.

>There are significant differences in intelligence and behavior between the races.
the differences are not significant. what is significant are the similarities.

>There are medical differences too.
nothing significant.

>We should celebrate our differences
we should celebrate our similarities.

>human genetic biodiversity
that's the thing, there isn't much human genetic biodiversity. on a genetic level it's boring.

We are mixed with other hominins... what you call 'human DNA' is not all human DNA. We were created and it makes sense that human DNA is similar. it is the DNA present in only certain populations that makes us different.

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