My fiance is a vaxxie. What are the recommended detox programs?

I am a pureblood. My fiance is a vaxie. I understand she might have passed on her spike protein death to me via STD and vaccine shedding, but all the same, I am optimistic that she was given a placebo batch because she hasn't shown any of the death signs other vaxxies show yet.

Is there a detox regimen any of these doctors or people like RFK Jr are recommending? I heard that milk thistle and korean pine needle tea are good at disrupting spike protein bullshit. Is there anything else I can do to save my fiance from potential vaxxie death and infertility?

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*I had her drinking pine needle tea a few months ago and she also takes all the immune system boosting vitamins I take now (vitamin D, Milk Thistle, zinc, black pepper pills, tumeric, omega 3 fish oil). I heard that pine needle tea was the best for combating spike proteins but I'm not sure if it's true.

you can't detox, is in the DNA now

You stuck your dick in crazy user. Do you think Bill Gates created an end of the world Vax that can be cured by drinking pine tea? Hahahahaha. Your dick will probably fall off before you can refresh this page

Yeah, this is what I thought. All the same, is there a way to max boost your immune system against MRNA bullshit? I am a pureblood and want to help my vaxie GF as much as possible, even if it's a lot cause I won't give up completely.

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the problem is that these vaxxies apparently shed their spike proteins in to the air, so just being near them in close proximity has spread their spike protein death to you too.
I think it was Dr McCullough or someone who said pine needle tea has some kind of chemical that breaks down spike proteins. I'm willing to try anything.

From my understanding you get over that. I would guess it's only bad if you work in a cubicle around vaxxies and are constantly being hit with spike proteins until they take over your immune system entirely? Seems like something kike gates would do. But weiner to vagina contact I don't know about. Seems like a dumb thing to do

>What are the recommended detox programs?You want to buy yourself a biocontainment casket. When she melts into a puddle of jello goo on your bedroom floor, scoop her fluid up with a shovel and poor it in the casket. Your gunna wanna seal that up good and tight, burry at least 20' feet then poor concrete min 10' sorrounding casket. Godspeed.

dumping her

a strict diet of bullets

> nanograms of protein
> literal syringe full of shit straight into your arm
totally the same thing

Yeah but the theory goes that some of the batches are placebo shots that don't contain the killer MRNA spike proteins. My GF comes from an elite family and if the Different Batches theory is true, she was probably given placebos. She hasn't repeatedly caught covid over and over again like all her max boosted retard friends for example.

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Dying from the vaccine means it's working because it wasn't caused by covid
Checkmate incel bigot chud

>Different Batches theory
Different batches theory is beyond retarded, as are you.

>elite family
Shut up user. You fucked yourself and you're saying bullshit cope

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She's already dead, and the shed is probably going to take you too, not long after. Remember that all women are whores and it's all her fault. Thanks for playing.

>detoxx program
That isnt how that works. Otherwise them forcing people to take it wouldnt be such an issue.

you don't understand the science, why the fuck are you commenting?

northie dumb ass

Cum in her throat 3x-5x per day until she renounces feminism. Oh, wait, you mean the vax? Sorry, no cure for that.

I’m sorry to say this is THE big question. The
(They are not vaccinated, the injections are not vaccine, they were genetically modified to interfere with their immune system).
have no t-cell or b-cell activity. The injections switched all that off, genetically. All they have instead is a spike based subscription firewall which is killing them, so what happens if they take no further injections after their current subscription dwindles. Will their immune system miraculously start acting again?
I am sorry I just do not know, but next time anyone in the greedy medical professions who slyly announced on the same week that russia invaded ukraine that the symptom of boosting (having 3x mRNA) is seroconversion (AIDS) crossing the road and your foot reaches for the brake peddle maybe you’ll slip. Thing is you see that is not illegal anywhere on the planet now, because it’s not illegal to kill people who are working for genocidal organisations, but it would be treated as being illegal by those people themselves who include all politicians and all msm.
Pic: ukraine set up for genocide by the WEF’s two jews putin & twerky. The money pays for the sabotage same as everywhere.

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I would love to die too, just not euthanized.

1/8 vaccines were placebo, disregard everything else said as to this matter. The chances are the same for everyone.

Wrong pic, derp

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take NAC now now now!!
if you search on the archives or research papers, you will see how useful it is!

Actually, reading some of the science papers on pubmed can detoxify your brain.

>My fiance is a vaxxie

Pine needle tea, MMS/chlorine dioxide, Vesugen, Aspirin, black seed oil, and go into an MRI a few times (or regularly).

Blood transfusion

Not really. It makes complete sense that they would test different batches on different groups. The US government has a history of testing dangerous medicine on poors and minorities, something that my gf is neither.

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You sound jealous and gay that you don't have a rich elite GF to marry.

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I even heard that Ivermectin kills the spike proteins, that's why they tried to ban and discredit it so hard.

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Only in clown world is sacrificing yourself for a global pharmaceutical companies profits seen as a good thing.

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Rape. Rape. Rape