China is building European zoos

they know the West is done, white people going extinct, we're going to live in zoos the rest of our life

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The eiffel tower is probably the most overrated building in human history and its fame is propagated by idiots who just say they like it because everyone else does and they have no taste.

China's birthrates are as fucked up as europoors. True, the white race declines but so do chink chongs.

Cope and seethe Poojeet. Eiffel tower is not a mere building. It's a symbol of long-lost time when Europe wasn't a cuck communist ghetto like it is now.

This comment was so incredibly retarded it just has to have been written by a thirdie

Funniest part is. The Chink tower will survive lower.
The Eiffel tower will collapse within 50 years due to rust and because the communist mayor is too incompetent to apply coats of paint to prevent it.

People didn't actually like it when it was first built. However it has since then become a symbol of France. I don't think you can say it is overrated.

Fpbp It’s a phobic symbol built by a Freemason and is on the verge of collapsing because it’s do rusty

It looks fucking unfinished

You're joking right? They are still the most populated country in the world

Once again; the Chinese proving that Western culture is superior culture.

Isn't this shit just for Chinese Instagram thots to pretend they've traveled to Paris?

I think the CCP killed so much of the Chinese culture that the Chinese people are latching on Western things like the Eiffel tower.
Pathetic really.

Guess that would make sense, I remember they built a town designed entirely like it was some place in England. It looked nice but no one could afford to live there so it's practically a ghost city.

who would want to see a western pig ?? no thanks just KTM :)

Damn; that's the most Chinese thing I have read today!

Think this was it

It’s a way to experience Paris without niggers.

>Chinese Developer digs English style.
>Build Disney-Version of English suburb.
>Sell houses to rich Chinese blokes.
>No-one moves in, turns into ghost town.
Typical Chinese success story. :)

I don't think Chinks are a good trade off.

I called this years ago. Europeans will end up extinct and be brought back with genetic engineering and put in their own sort of jurassic park by the Chinese. Still a better alternative than living next to niggers

I would live in a chinese made zoo for americans.

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And they'll be losing hundreds of millions of people this century. They also have tens of millions of extra males and males without families are troublemakers. China is in for a wild century again.

>They are still the most populated country in the world
which makes having an aging population even more dangerous for their society.

not for long
jeets surpassed them in numbers already

It's just propaganda you know

Imagine they put you in a replica '50s American town and assign you a housewife. You live a classic middle classs life with the odd chink tourbus driving around. It could be alright.