Starting catechism for the greek othodox church this week…

Is it based? or am I wasting my time? I’m 21 and trying to find a wife

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What do you actually have to do to become orthodox

If that's your reason for becoming Orthodox then yeah, complete waste. What is wrong with people? Faith is an authentic expression of one's soul, not a membership card. Religion does not exist to serve your selfish, ego-centric purposes, it exists to change you so that YOU conform to God. The Church is filled qith examples of people giving up everything they want to live a life in Christ, including women, drugs, money, fame, comfort, and even life. You'll learn all about that in catechism though. If you truly wish to live a life in Christ, then may God bless your journey, user.

dunno, but there are not that many differences between roman catholic and eastern catholic.
Filoque being one, and obviously the view of papacy as primus inter pares, rather than the way it's structured now. Other than that ... the two are pretty much the same. (ok priests can marry, but interestingly enough, have to be 'virgins' when performing mass)
>t. orthodox

You’re wasting your time.
Read the Bible KJV. And obey the word of God, then the Lord will be with you always.
Also the trinity is a babylonian myth.

I just went to a church today they told me they have a catechism process that could take 3 months to 4 years depending on the convert and the priest

>view of papacy as primus inter pares
This is a pretty big one
Is it just like classes you have to take?

Look buddy I’m already tryna serve God I would just like to find a wife along the way who isnt heathen. my whole life revolves around christ. First and foremost just want a church that is biblical

Follow the process of learning about the basics of Orthodox doctrine known as Catechism, find godparents in the parish to sponsor you, get baptised and/or chrismated into the Church. Takes most people less than a year. It's not a social club and the Church wants serious, devoted members, hence the process.

yeah its church class basically

Seems a bit much for a religion that's meant to accept anyone, doesn't it? Or do the Orthodox Christians not believe that?

wise old people keep telling me not to try to be a ‘lone wolf christian’

Then I wish you all the best. I would also like a Christian wife.

yes and No, it's different way of achieving the same objective i.e of setting a doctrine. Orthodox do it via councils instead. (and so do Roman Catholics e.g. Vatican II etc.)
To be honest, the issue of filoque is much more important than that of a pope. One is very much dogmatic, the other is more political.

yeah man thanks you too

There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church
Orthos are muslim loving heretics
Protsies aren't even Christian at this point

We wish to accept people who are serious about Christ and won't give Christianity a bad name by bastardizing core tenets of faith and treating Church like a social club. Anyone from any race with any disability or temperment is accepted provided they are serious.

Dammit, I'm a philistine when it comes down to latin. Kek.

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I was under the impression that it's certain "powers" the Pope has that the Orthodox disagree with the most
So un-serious people are destined for hell? Can you get to heaven outside of the Church in Orthodox theology?

Found the Orthodox version of the Bible

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lol. I already know I’m saved

I would say if you’re unserious about matters of faith your road is rocky at best. No specific church is the gateway to heaven whoever says that is a bs artist

>So un-serious people are destined for hell?
The unrepentant are. If you wish to repent and are not serious about it, is that really repentance? "I want to repent but only if it's not too hard"?

>Can you get to heaven outside of the Church in Orthodox theology?
God decides who will have eternal life in His kingdom and who won't. He may show mercy to the unbaptised in His wisdom but that is not for us to judge. Orthodoxy is the way to Christ and salvation comes through Him. So no Orthodoxy, no salvation barring a miracle from God. I should note also that Heaven and Hell are not treated the same in Orthodoxy as in RC or Protestant Christianity. Hell is not eternal separation from God, as God will pour out His full presence amd glory to all following judgement. Those who hate God will experience Him as a tormenting fire, while those who love Him will experience blissful energy forever and ever.

Worship icons and basically ignore most of the teachings of Jesus.

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>I was under the impression that it's certain 'powers' that pope has that the orthodox disagree with most
Tell me you are protestant, without telling me you are a protestant.

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But what IS salvation? Is it "going to Heaven" or is it freedom from sin? The Orthodox Church professes the latter, and therefore salvation is an ongoing process beginning at baptism. God is the physician, healing us of the disease of sin, and we are His patients. The Portestant "I'm saved" is a lie. We must keep being saved because we keep sinning.

why does the catholic church pray to mary/saints? do they allow gay mairrage? and I hope to God the orthodox church don’t do that..

Then why not go to a Baptist church which adheres to these rules, but only teachers the Bible without supplementing with man-made fables and traditions?

If your only concern about religion is whether it is based just save the poor church communities time and skip to being a gay pagan jerking off on a tree.

Venerate icons. Not worship. The icons are important constant reminders of the glory of God and His community, and thousands of Christians were martyred to preserve them from iconoclasts.

I take it you have the authority to interpret scripture and don't need the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit? The Church that was given, by Christ, ths authority to interpret scripture...

Jesus told people to repent of their sins, and to believe in him, and then we are justified by faith. I think it is these two. I am currently under the understanding that willfull sin will lead to a loss of grace, which can be re-obtained via repentance. I am young in the faith you may want to ask a deacon or someone like that

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Because any denomination derived from the Protestant rebellion against the Church is illegitimate.

explain why it is illegitimate

>therefore salvation is an ongoing process beginning at baptism

Which is a heretical teaching. The free gift of salvation is ETERNAL. A truly saved person is saved forever and is given by FAITH ALONE.
If your salvation is an "ongoing process" then you are serving your own ego - not God.

John 10:28-29

“And I give to them eternal life, and they shall by no means perish forever, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father…is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.”

Ephesians 2:8

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast."