Dropping this post here to say I'm actively looking for this babydick'd fat nigger's location so I can personally hire...

Dropping this post here to say I'm actively looking for this babydick'd fat nigger's location so I can personally hire someone to rape him live on his on Discord server

>can't run
>can't hide
>can't save yourself

P.S. Nigger is a janny, can't type his handle without a ban

Attached: 1656762724534.png (1500x2000, 557.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=joshua ulmer 2-5-91&client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=ALiCzsbVcsz6BcgMLPDAUd1rJcasUNvPtg:1656862168156&ei=2LXBYp7iCJmjptQPn6mvkAQ&oq=joshua ulmer 2-5-91&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQghEKABOgQIIxAnOgUIIRCrAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6BggAEB4QFjoICAAQHhAPEBZKBAhBGAFQkQhYlENglUpoAHAAeACAAegBiAHkGJIBBjAuMTguMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1

Checked and good luck user.


Necessary reading

im down for the cause and funded. ill fucking pay someone to knock him out on the street.

Bumping this. Fuck that nigger

i support you. the trannie and bbc posting is obnoxious. props to the anons or user who got em.
its like when the leaf sleighed oinkers all over again.

Attached: 8089BC31-4085-4E45-BBD0-15C5DD4924A1.png (834x1256, 72.79K)

Ahahahahaha what a pathetic dick

Based, fuck these nigger faggot raiders.

Attached: 7B354E05-85FB-4868-B486-68239B01367D.jpg (635x680, 101.03K)


>Dropping this post here to say I'm actively looking for this babydick'd fat nigger's location so I can personally hire someone to rape him live on his on Discord server

>>can't run
>>can't hide
>>can't save yourself

>P.S. Nigger is a janny, can't type his handle without a ban

Attached: 1656775521513.gif (248x255, 2.5M)


Bump. Good hunting user

Attached: 1622893819376.gif (279x235, 1.86M)

Van Horne St #2

>desperate bait
>mfw all porn is cuck porn when your dick's a 3" turd buried under your gunt

Attached: 1335326463594.jpg (330x270, 34.16K)


Jersey City, NJ 07304


Put my post together for his address kek

Why do you faggots keep posting this faggot nigger?

There's a part of me that's telling me that this dude is actually based. just some sexual degen who lives a sad life. so why am I supposed to give a damn? I care about all the BBC threads almost as much as I care about all the log threads. remember spiderman threads? i miss those. I really don't give two shits, however if he's from my area I'm a 6'3 white dude and am more than willing to beat this guys ass for double the bail money.

>Dropping this post here to say I'm actively looking for this babydick'd fat nigger's location so I can personally hire someone to rape him live on his on Discord server
kek based, i hope you succeed user!

Attached: ruggadagod3.gif (495x498, 58.04K)

maybe he was right about the fetish thing. I just ignore BBC threads

How can you verify it?

If he's really a janny then the mods need to CLEAN HIM UP

Good. Imagine having the attention of a thousand hateful schizos. God have mercy on his nigger soul.

Fight the good fight. Mods and jannies are behind it.

>testing ban

Let me know if I wrote down the wrong name

>scared janny reports in

google.com/search?q=joshua ulmer 2-5-91&client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=ALiCzsbVcsz6BcgMLPDAUd1rJcasUNvPtg:1656862168156&ei=2LXBYp7iCJmjptQPn6mvkAQ&oq=joshua ulmer 2-5-91&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQghEKABOgQIIxAnOgUIIRCrAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6BggAEB4QFjoICAAQHhAPEBZKBAhBGAFQkQhYlENglUpoAHAAeACAAegBiAHkGJIBBjAuMTguMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1

he was doxxed this morning, jannies keep scrubbing but they can't scrub google

From yesterday

Attached: 1656766246523.jpg (1066x1144, 189.05K)

try spelling it as "nigger".


Put my posts together and try to post his address faggots, you'll see jannies have blocked this info as well

Someone's going to show up to his house with anger and a hammer I bet lolololol. God speed, fat nigger janny

Attached: fuck this nigger.jpg (623x143, 33.3K)

I'm confused how the word suddenly got on the banned word list


>mods intentionally foster a community built on hate and violent racial angst for page views and ad revenue
>surprised when the community turns on them because a mod is black
You get what you asked for. Having fun yet? Maybe we need another Any Forums harbor.

Attached: 1541348702231.jpg (1669x1854, 541.39K)

If you do actually end up doing something kill him slowly, boil his feet and arms

>3/10 nigger manlet with 3 inch dick has more dating options than all Any Forums Chads
It's over.

Godspeed user

somebody please torture and kill this fucking spear chucking piece of shit jiggaboo nigger

Attached: niggerdoodlol.png (643x835, 1.18M)

>more dating options
>all dickless men on Discord

Keep coping with your cult leader's fall, faggot. We know his name & address, consider this buck broken

Attached: 1328375220372.jpg (500x333, 48.31K)

Check this
They block the gif

i tried to post it in this thread too, but i got an error