Why are fireworks still a thing?

Doggos get freaked, soldiers get anxiety, and they are dirty and pollute the whole place. it is time to fire fireworks

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fireworks are a chinese invention, stop stop asian hate, bigot

>asshole who likes blasting innocent people for his kike masters can't stand some loud noises
Good I hope all veterans suffer as much as possible before being stabbed to death by 50 niggers
Fuck all vets and Fuck the Alamo


today you are white jose

To flex on china , what else?

Nooooooo not the heckin doggos!

Do me do me!

>it is time to fire fireworks
bad b8 m8

I live near Houston and have a congress of chimps across the street from me who typically can't feed themselves and Rent A Center is constantly parked outside trying to get their furniture back. Every New Years and 4th these fucks buy almost $1000 worth of fireworks. Makes no fucking sense and I hope they catch their house on fire.

not you pendejo

Said anons mom...

lol fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucckk you faggot

i bought this just to piss off my neighbor who put a "PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL TO VETS" sign in his yard

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If local government didn't light of fireworks, more folks would burn down houses and blow off fingers.

and this

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its to make a joke of firmament beauty. you don't need fireworks.

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>be afghan vet
>light off more fireworks than most of my neighbors


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if you want to be seen a white man. its ok!

You think the dome is that low?

fireworks were invented to ward off bad spirits
WW2 ended after we exploded world's biggest firecracker
they now want to ban fireworks
coincidence? i think not

I use the loudest fireworks I can find. Fuck zogbots and their PTSD.
>I get real scared from all the explosions going on around me when we were blowing people's houses up
How the fuck do you think your victims feel, zog?

Buy lots of fireworks and support the chinese army.

I love this shit, you feel giddy like a kid in a toy store again.

Wow ty. Hitler was right about u guys

got a friend in phils, he is a us vet and on new year he just leaves out of a sudden...

he's zoomed in.

Stop trying to destroy our traditions for your globohomo dreams

If they only did them on July 4th I would be ok, but the damn niggers shoot them off a week before and after the damn holiday

Never faggot!

>soldiers get anxiety

What did you learn about living near niggers?

did they ban NIGGER CHASERS? i haven't been able to find these the past two years?

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I'm thinking asian appropriation angle for the sjws, supporting china for magas.

Hear hear. Gangs trying to tank property values in a gentrified area don’t stop at shootings, they’ll come in and fire off fireworks all times of year just to spook the gentry

They’re a total nuisance

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>Every New Years and 4th these fucks buy almost $1000 worth of fireworks.

b but saaarge


Alamo was cool

Nice try. Dog paws type this post

>Hispanic from a country that isn’t Mexico is still butt hurt about the Alamo

If you don’t wanna get treated like an orc in helms deep, don’t act like an orc at helms deep

>soldiers get anxiety
Sounds like we need more fireworks, not less. ZOGbots deserve to suffer.

its all banz bro
have a good day

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>soldiers get anxiety,
No we don't. That is a leftist thing trying to speak for other groups as if they know how we think. We can tell the different between the real thing and a fucking firework. We are also the ones setting off the biggest fireworks.

Fuck off karen.

If you get PTSD flashbacks from fireworks you must've been a really shitty soldier

I dislike them too, but it's necessary once a year to make dogs, birds and US soldiers go away from the city.

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Fuck yeah you are, there's a marine corps air base across the bay from where I live and every 4th of July and New Years I hear at least 5 of those fucking concussion bombs/other training munitions get set off and that shit echoes off the mountains

How in the fuck do still manage to get away with it, you think the armories would be locked the fuck down so you guys can't sneak them off base for fun times

They are actually really useful against a crowd of riot geared police. Just fire one at them and watch them scatter.

My dog was terrified of them. Big old 100 pound lab mix who I'd never seen scared of anything else. She would shake hard and want to get in my lap. I miss my old girl.