No milk

no milk
no cheese
no butter
no vegetables
just liquor
soda pop
what went horribly wrong?

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Stores stock what sells, so niggers basically

we let in the jews and they imported niggers

>soda pop
this sells and at high profit margin
this doesn't

All of that food goes bad in those places because the pieces of shit who shop there only buy the trash, so there is no reason to stock it.


see the wic sign? they have no interest in selling food. These are money laundering operations.

This is true but only in the niggerest of neighborhoods (like South Bronx). If you go to other parts of the BX or other boroughs in un-niggerfied neighborhoods, even corner stores will stock milk, fresh cheese, cold cuts, etc.
I live in a white, suburb part of NYC so I just go to Shop Rite (actual grocery store) since it’s cheaper and I live across the street. Keep in mind, even in Manhattan you DO have Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Fairway. Even in fucking Harlem, YES. As other anons mentioned, corner stores are not gonna stock shit nobody is buying + most corner stores exist for beer, smokes, candy, breakfast sandwich.

but is there a kroger?

No, but theres a Juan’s Deli & THE OCKY WAY!

>what went horribly wrong?
Those storefronts are money laundering businesses for foreign interests.

I wasn't aware this is what people in New York city have to deal with. It sounds like purely garbage "foods".
That Chad who made the video about that bullshit is right. I would not be able to live without a real grocery store is cheese, butter, eggs and the like!
The absolute state of big city slickers is retarded

You can't sell liquor in stores like this in NYC retard. Also they sell processed shit like peanut butter, jelly, ramen noodles canned goods etc

Conservatives wanted to end antitrust enforcement, this is the logical conclusion of such. Over the past 30-40 years, every single industry was consolidated into monopolies or cartels, which made supply chains inherently unstable by introducing single points of failure.

This is likely true. They probably do the same for EBT (food stamps) too.
I've had EBT before in Florida, for a few months last year. They gave me 250 per month for 3 months.
It is ENTIRELY at the discretion of the gas station/convience store to process EBT funds. Meaning they can run it for any purchase. Liquor, hot foods, smokes, etc
In big chain grocery stores they have a system that sorts out the those things so you cannot purchase what's not on the approved list.
I saw a dude purchase kratom with his EBT card! The cashier rang it up as "food item". Kinda funny actually

>Stores stock what sells, so niggers basically
Back in the 50s, Malcolm X complained that the fresh off the boat and other immigrant Jews who ran those stores intentionally sold rancid meat, green meat to their black customers at premium prices. The Jews may not own the buildings now (they do), but the immigrants who run and stock those stores are still intentionally selling poison to blacks.

>>soda pop
>this sells and at high profit margin
>this doesn't
You get it. They shouldn't be called grocers, though.

>I saw a dude purchase kratom with his EBT card! The cashier rang it up as "food item". Kinda funny actually
Jesus Christ.
Those legal highs that were available a while back...
Holy shit...

>This is likely true. They probably do the same for EBT (food stamps) too.
>I've had EBT before in Florida, for a few months last year. They gave me 250 per month for 3 months.
>It is ENTIRELY at the discretion of the gas station/convience store to process EBT funds. Meaning they can run it for any purchase. Liquor, hot foods, smokes, etc
>In big chain grocery stores they have a system that sorts out the those things so you cannot purchase what's not on the approved list.
>I saw a dude purchase kratom with his EBT card! The cashier rang it up as "food item". Kinda funny actually
It's a scam.

Be me
Go into any given grocery store
Have pic related

Is this not the norm in USA?

Attached: groen.jpg (1140x475, 233.06K)

It's not even so much niggers there. Yes they exist, lots if them, but NYC is so incredibly shitty and brown it will shock you. It's like another fucking planet. It's like the entire third world decided to go there and never leave.

Is this how every new yorker shops? I thought it was just the shitskins but white people are forced to shop in places like this too? It looks so fucking dirty, this is third world level shit

Where I live, there is a low-income apartment complex, a gas station, and an ALDI. The gas station and ALDI are the same distance from the apartments, but I only ever see people walking from the apartments to the gas station, not to the ALDI.
Ghetto convenience stores sell junk like cigarettes, beer, Cheetos and soda because that's what ghetto people want to buy.

you're fucking delusional. No one gives a shit about niggers enough to create an underground, clandestine system to harm them by selling alcohol and tobacco. are you fucking insane. They sell this shit because it's what niggers want and it's what niggers buy. plain and simple.

our grocery stores look exactly the same as the one in your picture.
what OP is talking about are nigger corner stores in the ghetto slums