So now that the supreme court is expanding it's power by removing laws it has made, what's next for our democracy?

So now that the supreme court is expanding it's power by removing laws it has made, what's next for our democracy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The judicial system is supposed to have 1/3rd of power in government
>People are supposed to have no DIRECT power in government
>Only power people have is voting
>Power of voting has been removed due to fraud
>People that committed the fraud are upset that people no longer have any power

incorrect assessment. the supreme court checked and balanced itself (since congress and the executive never did) and kicked legislative power back to the congress and /or the states to deal with abortion, guns, gay marriage how the see fit.
congress had 50 years to amend the constitution to legalize gay marriage and abortion, but never did, and allowed such socially important issues to exist on literally nothing. it's congresses fault for not standing up for gays or womens rights and are now paying the penalty for their inaction by watching their little pet campaign issue taken away and now they must put actually promise to legalize it properly..... they wont..... because the majority of america doesnt want it


The left for years weaponized the judicial branch to pass the stuff they couldn't get nationwide at the ballot box, be it abortion or gay marriage. Now suddenly they don't like the courts.

This. The whole point of the 2nd isn’t to grant rights, it’s to prohibit the abolition of rights

>>People are supposed to have no DIRECT power in government
Nigger, what is the House of Representatives?

... they're representatives and not direct voting. Is this a trick question.

Lol and he calls you the nigger

>Direct power

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wew lad

>expanding it's power by removing laws it has made
>Only a dictator uses executive orders

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>Emancipation Proclamation

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Activists were using the Supreme Court as a second legislative body to write new laws into existence. Courts were never intended to write law, only interpret it.

SCOTUS didn't "outlaw" anything. They just stated the obvious; abortion is not mentioned in the constitution. The only people who "outlawed" abortion are your state legislatures; if you don't like it take it up with them.

fucking faggots

here is the schedule for burgerland from now till the election on Nov:

from now till the end of summer, there will be talks of rising cases of corona and nigger pox

at the end of summer, there will be announcements of corona and nigger pox out of control so a lockdown will be implemented, plus there will be a lot of talks of mail-in votes again

from sept till the end of october, there will be talks of hardships and people being poor so sleepy joe will make the money printer go BRRRR and the sheeps that follows the left will start praising the democrate for the free cash, but the lockdown will continue

on the night of election, 6 million mail-in votes will pop out of nowhere just like the last election making democrate the winner

a few days after the election, there will be a lot of people questioning the popped up mail-in votes just like last time, so sleepy joe will BRRRRR the money printer again and completely lift the lockdown, then every burger people will be too busy looking up what to buy with the 2nd round of free cash, just like last time, that they forgot about everything till the next burgerking election

so do make sure that you got toilet paper or paper towels or hamburgers or cokacola stock up for at least 2 months, because this is all you can do
and no, no one will be able to stop this because everything is already in motion

SCOTUS doesn't make law.

Finally a good thread.

>Supreme court says "you can't do that without an act of congress,"
>congress elected by the people
>power somehow taken away from the people

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Republicans have proven without a doubt to be terrorists and traitors. They should be treated as such by real Americans and true Patriots.

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Just complete revisionism on her part with the supreme court makeup in Dred Scott. 5 were yankees, 3 were from Virginia, and 2 from Georgia. Out of them only one of the Associate Justices ever held slaves in his life.

>So now that the supreme court is expanding it's power by removing laws it has made, what's next for our democracy?

did you not learn the difference between republics and democracies user

The ruling over Roe v Wade has delineated authority to state legislatures, the people.
Leftists need to be dealt with, I'm not going to live my entire life under the yoke of this cocksucking faggotry every single year, either we have a civil war and deal with them all or it's terrorism forever.

>The government is expanding its power by giving up its power
This is American education folks.

>real power in this country no longer lies with the people
Lel. This illusion evaporated for me seeing how the Brits had a referendum on Brexit back in 2015 and several subsequent referendums over other things the next few years. When is the last time the US took a direct vote on anything? Even the most anti-woke 'based' post leftists in America think normies are too dumb to be trusted to vote right on things like climate change. Congress and the president delgated all their duties to glowniggers. What does voting even affect anymore, other than whether or not you'll get four years of cope about liberal failures or REEEEs about conservatives existing from the MSM?