Nationalist group snap march through Botson

What are the political implications of triggering lefties in Boston with flags and drums and not staying around to fight? Leftie twitter is blowing up. New tactic discussion.

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drop 300ug start interacting with WebSDR, especially military frequencies and number stations and watch the MK-Ultra 5G towers beam a literal world ending scenario to you, you will hear the transmission on 8992 if you go about this route, world-ending transmissions.

LSD and WebSDR/Any Forums some of these general threads are the portals to speak to demons and their other black proejcts.

you will not see this message often UR-LODGE


Algorithms around you change depending on the substances you are on, when you take LSD and DMT and start messing with numbers stations something recognizes it and you can watch your reality around you bleed.

Even Youtube begins to recommend entirely different videos, almost like it breaks the loop. When im on LSD Youtube begins to recommend me stuff with s p a c e d o u t c h a r a c t e r s so that its easier to read when you're on psychedelics. Try it out for yourself.


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mad skits post bra

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The videos I've seen are all soys mocking them for wearing a mask which is funny because they're just mad they can't doxx them easily.

why would the mere sight of white men organizing, even to march, strike such terror in the heart of the wicked?

When was this?

Looks like a gay pride gimp mask parade. I bet locals mistook it for that.


Cope Ahmed.

inshallah brother

Very cool, five eyes retard

The GLOW is blinding

Neckbeard identified

It's hilarious how the feds fund these fake (((opposition groups))) to trick the normie retards into thinking kikes don't have a total monopoly on American politics

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They blaze like the sun.

It's a fuqQin pity brits can't organise a piss up in a brewey, the shit we've eaten over the years and you criticise others.

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How the fuck does this glow?
People came unannounced, nothing bad happened, and they left before anyone could do a thing about it.


Didn't you get the memo? Doing anything IRL is glowing.

haha fucken spergs on here

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None of those guys are morbidly obese or jaundiced like me, they must be glowniggers.