Has the anonops been a den of glowing niggers since the very beginning or is it a latest development?

Has the anonops been a den of glowing niggers since the very beginning or is it a latest development?

Attached: anonops_400x400.png (400x400, 172.76K)

a question for oldfags only, newfags kindly ignore

i know theyre thrash since 2012.
but dont remember why i decided that way tho

they literally sound like glowing niggers lol, they were calling me "white trash".

goddammit india...anonymous was NEVER an actual group of people it was you and me and everyone else who just wanted to have fun it was never about doing good or wrong or any of that bullshit it was only for the lulz just trolling anyone claiming to be a part of it is either a fed or just some retarded autist thinking he is a spoopy revolutionary by ddosing his local spca and posting faggy videos with absolutely no intent behind them
kys and then kys me to faggot

>oldfags only

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I am talking about anonops faggot, not "anonymous"

they allied with hard leftists and opposed the libertarian strategy to deal with 2008 crash. was always a mix or larpers and a core group. i lost interest in them as they support an authoritarian left government.

they are with antifa these days, total globohomo

>they literally sound like glowing niggers lol
probably because they were glowies
during the opening months of syria they lost control over the narrative, and tons of ersat-movements started apppearing.
tons of new channels and discussion groups popping up, each one presenting a part of the truth, mixed in with utter bullshit.

but these faggots are active since even before that.
it wouldnt surprise me if they were some sort of prototype for future ersatz-dissidence groups

You deserve to be indian

redditors and children

and you deserve to be a faggot

Well they are certainly aligned with Nato/Cia agendas
I am not sure about this part but it could be true as well


yeah lol but I think there are also glow niggers among them

both methinks
obviously after the coup and eventual informant shenanigans but the beginnings were discord troon-esque even back then, no wonder why so many defected in favour of the (((current narrative)))

Yeah right
Their op-xyz scheme was also very cia-esque and their various ops aligned with the agenda of cia even back then, it was just the niggers did not notice that lol

I don't watch google amp induced schizophrenia.


My boy gets it.

Ive seen stickers promoting them slapped all around the college they went to. They are just slightly more useful idiots. Fuck em.