Is it OK to bully white children for having incarcerated parents? I did that in high school a lot

Is it OK to bully white children for having incarcerated parents? I did that in high school a lot.

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I'm not trying to pull a gotcha on you user but serious question: Do you have white skin? Do you have swarthy complexion? I'm guessing because you are posting from the United States you're at least some kind of spic. Probably chicanx.
These type of posts just kind of reek of "non-White"

I dont claim this negative energy.

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Yes. I actually drove this trailer trash girl to suicide by humiliating her repeatedly for being poor and having criminal and drug addict family members. It was based.

People did jokes about dead parents back in my day. Feels fucking bad, man.

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Yeah tell them to stop acting black

>dad becomes an alcoholic and ruins my family in high school
>class bullies me

Built for BwC

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hello vpn glownigger

No? They were not in any way involved in their parents making bad decisions. Same with poor kids. What the fuck makes you think that might be alright? I'll tell you what, the same reasoning a nigger uses when he tells me I'm responsible for slavery.

Hot fucking damn can the tranny jannies do something about this stupid fucking spambot? This is the fourth time in the last 30 minutes I've seen and reported this motherfucker.

>black asshole
Not white

..why is it bent that way...?

Worst copy pasta ever. Fucking stupid Jew

Sure, why not?

Yeah.. I used to joke about a dude whose father abandoned him. He was an asshole though so I guess it's ok.

People joked about a dudes father that got his head crushed by a big truck tire while he was driving in the road. He was in the back seat. X( He was an asshole and a momma's boy too, but that was too much. There was a fattie who was adopt that I also made lots of jokes about him. Wish I could ask him forgiviness, but I guess I'm very, very, very deep on the back of his mind lol. Honório, me desculpa seu gordo do caralho. Handball era o seu lance, e você gostava muito, mas convenhamos, né... Esporte meio inconvencional para uma pessoa do seu porte, não é mesmo? haha' ;^)

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>glowniggers don't want you to be a degenerate coomer
No need to thanks us user, the federal government of the united states of america only has your best interests in mind.

Por que o Honório não revidava? Quebrava vocês no pau ou falava da mãe, aquela puta da Augusta?

I recognize that ass. Where’s this bitch from ?

hard to get hard when its a moon face sucking your D

Only kid in my school that had a parent in prison was a kid who’s dad got snapped up in operation family secrets. We all kept our mouths shut.

you can see her asshole peeking