How do I become a MP and pragmatically save my country, Any Forums?

I am interested in becoming a politician in the near future (I can’t currently due to health issues) because I am sick of the current situation in my country at the moment. And if I did become a politician, how do I realistically fix many of the social and economic problems in this country? The problem is I feel like I am too uneducated in certain topics, like economics, to make a difference. Or am I just simply overthinking it? Surely I cannot be as uneducated as some of the imbeciles currently operating in government?
>Also, I am not a Cuckservative or anything. I am well aware that the money powers and greed truly control this nation. I was thinking of acting more of a populist if I did manage to get into politics.

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All politicians are selected and you will not stand a chance against the system

isnt it pretty low IQ at this point to still believe there is a political solution

You would be going into the snake's lair, are you ready for this?

I don't want to discourage you, but you should get some education first. Economics is a good start. Campaigns are also fantastically expensive, so if you can't get some kind of angel investor on your side, you'll probably stand no chance. Start small with local government and then move your way up. Becoming an MP is probably too big of a first step for someone who has never been involved in politics before.

I'll continue by saying, in the US, there are small towns that have elected positions that nobody runs for. If you can find something similar, that may be the easiest way to get your foot in the door. Local government is really underrated, and that's the best way to make any sort of change. Figure out what you want different in the area around you, and make a plan to accomplish that. Baby steps. I believe in you, user.

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Ask sargon

Thanks, fren. My plan is to start at the local level as well. I am currently reading Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, it is helpful but I still struggle with understanding certain aspects of economics.

This. Serving as a School Board Trustee is good padding on the CV. Also volunteering.

Get a PPE degree from Oxbridge

individual MPs have absolutely no power whatsoever that's why the system is the way it is.

a political solution is as likely as any other if not more so

it just doesn't work, the bribe then if someone is truly not corrupt they will just threaten them then kill them, thats it the story is over

spy baiting for responses or underage

>This is my plan:
I am going to be joining the Cuckservative party for pragmatic reasons, mainly because my county is predominantly conservative. I want to rise up the political ranks, and after I have gained enough support amongst the people for my appearance of honesty and modesty, and I am in a position of power, then I will begin broadcasting my more populist opinions. By that time, probably in the 2030’s to 2040’s, hopefully the West will be seeking a strong and popular leader against the inevitable problems brought about by multiculturalism, inflation, housing crisis, etc.
>TL;DR: My plan is Caesarism, basically.

>I want to climb to the top of the Conservative Party
Unless you went to Oxford and made friends with a bunch of other Tory MPs, that's not very likely

Realistically your best hope is local elections. The likelihood of making it to a national level is slim. That being said, listen to and honestly try to address the grievances of your local community, rather than suck up to broader national political issues.

>it’s about money
It’s about jews. Money is one of the many tools they use. Punishing “the KKKapitalists” won’t solve the problem. Wake up

Not impossible, though. Look at individuals like John Major.

Waste of time and won't even work. As soon as you're discovered to be a dissident you'll be quashed by the system. They'll silence, slander and block advancement in the hierarchy. You won't appear on any lists and someone else will be put on the top of the list for your constituency.
These institutions are tightly controlled and managed by an elite which pick and choose and groom who they want to advance and suppress to maintain the status quo.

This. Local elections is the only realistic option. The smaller the constituency the better as it will be easier to get people involved.
Anonymous faceless masses in cities full of immigrant voter-farms who you can't even communicate with are hopeless and should be written off.
Once you have power locally, start accumulating more power. Always think, "How can we use this to acquire more power?"

Yes, this is unfortunately true. Didn’t the late Sir. Roger Scruton get branded a “heretic” by the Conservatives for having a more traditional conservative stance? Nevertheless, I cannot think of a better option than this. If I fail, at least I tried.
> Once you have power locally, start accumulating more power. Always think, "How can we use this to acquire more power?"
But surely the only logical way to accumulate more political power would be to go towards the House of Commons and eventually run for Prime Minister?

big ben is actually a rocket look it up
