Where would you live, the United States or Canada?

Where would you live, the United States or Canada?

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You will be given 10k USD (ten thousand dollars) and a one-way plane ticket to any major city you want. Just one thing, you can't come back or move to another country once you've stepped out of the plane. You're there forever.

If you are already Canadian or American and don't want to move, that's fine, but you won't get a plane ticket or money. Just carry on with your life. You just will remain there (the US or Canada) the rest of your life.

What's your pick?



USA for superior QOL and more investing people.

I'm a dualfag, so I can hopscotch between the two cunts as I may please (provided that I have my passport[s] with me of course).

Where would I rather live, Canada because it's my home but, the USA has generally better laws in most aspects, mainly the 1A and 2A which the Canadian government regularly tramples on., along with every other law and our constitution. The USA they try to but, have a lot of other facilities i.e. the SC in place to prevent them.

Maritimes or Maine are both fine. No where else in either country however.

I'm moving to America because the pay is a lot better for software devs

USA. No competition.

Bluecoat bois are built for BBC (Big British Cock) so I'd have to choose America desu.

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Neither, I’d rather die

Either is fine. They're the two best countries on earth. The rest don't really matter all that much other than for tourism from North America.


My family lives in Canada, so do all my friends. For all it's problems Canada is the closest thing I have to a home so I'd probably choose to stay here.

Realistically though America is a better country pretty much across the board.

I live in LA and most of my family is in Montréal, I have experienced both LA is better

Parles-tu français

Bien sûr je suis né en France d'ailleurs

If i were an immigrant then Canada

United States all day every day. Easy choice
t. Been to both