This is some incredible white woman energy...

This is some incredible white woman energy. Breaking into a cop car to steal an automatic rifle and then take it back home. Probably going to get away with it too.

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what are the implications of being absolutely based and stealing the guns from cops, national guards and military personnel but NOT posting about it online or returning the guns

kys tranny


Russian IPs I'm coming for ya.


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the real tragedy is that fucking all digital dashboard that's coming to all future cars gonna be a fucking mess and expensive to fix once they break

lol that's been the case for like 10 years idiot

and then everybody clapped

Why can’t this happen to me

while this woman is a power-tripping retard, cops are equally retarded and do this shit constantly where i live
>leave vehicle unattended
>running/burning gas you pay for with taxes
>clearly visible "spoopy" AR sitting there for any willing shitbag to grab
>doors can't be locked because your keys are in the ignition, can't lock from outside with second key or FOB from outside when running
>likely justify this since they're supposed to be alert/vigilant, must be able to hop in already running vehicle and immediately blast off like the dukes of hazzard
>even though some new vehicles literally turn off every single fucking time you come to a complete stop, then immediately start again when you go to accelerate

every time i read something like this that defies common sense (and there's a lot) may not make sense on the surface; you start getting places when you ask "who could benefit from this?"

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This dumb cunt is trying to get them removed from the border.

>proper authorities

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Cop cars are different, and there are reasons that they leave them running.
But leaving it open with gun inside? that's stupid.

Watch how they move heaven & earth to punish this woman for embarrassing them, and do nothing to address the security issue. Situation resolved, political style!

>it isn't theft, breaking/entering and illegal possession of a firearm!

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An user reported her to her local sheriff. He was pretty shocked apparently

Well she has a point. Who tf dismounts without their weapons?

>But leaving it open with gun inside? that's stupid.
right, that's the point
probably but those people leaving the gun available aren't making her job hard

the fuck planet you on and how do i get there

I'm sure the police are going to be so understanding about kooky cunt stealing a rifle from them. Some of you faggots say based. Let see how this plays out. Based if she doesn't get her white ass locked up.

Whats the point of a survilence state when modern criminals document all their crimes on social media?

>Who tf dismounts without their weapons?
Nasty Girls obviously.

It makes the surveillance cheaper. Also they already admitted guilt so an open and shut case.

It's fucking hilarious lmao

>guards trespassed on her property multiple times
>left an automatic weapon unguarded and available to any cunt who walks past.
>left keys in ignition

Yeah they're fired. The sheriff has already phoned the woman and apologised for the behaviour of the guards.

Smells like a LARP to trick people into trying to rob military and feds